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[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] Search NYTimes.com Today's News Past Week Past 30 Days Past 90= Days Past Year Since 1996 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Customize This E-Mail [IMAGE] Customize This E-= Mail =09 December 31, 2001 QUOTE OF THE DAY "Any kind of assessment of what kin= d of mayor I am right now is unfair. I don't mean unfair to me; I mean unfa= ir historically. The assessment should be made at least a couple of years= from now." RUDOLPH W. GIULIANI. TolkienArchives Examine the World of J= . R. R. Tolkien - This sponsored feature includes articles from the New Yor= k Times archives, slide shows of Tolkien's artwork, multimedia presentation= s from New Line Cinema, weekly trivia quizzes and more. Explore Tolkien = Today . NATIONAL In a Town Built Almost Entirely on Tourism, Business B= ooms Thanks to 19 special-event weekends a year, Leavenworth, Wash., is bo= oming while most other tourist destinations are suffering. Cuts in Parks = Bring Home Tennessee Budget Woes A three-year stalemate in the Tennessee G= eneral Assembly over tax policy and the proposed creation of a state income= tax has led to a tightening budget crisis. I.R.S. Help by Phone Is Slowe= r and Often Wrong, Study Finds People calling the Internal Revenue Service= for help with their tax returns often get inaccurate information, a new go= vernment report says. MORE NATIONAL NEWS Advertisement The most co= mprehensive Real Estate listings site in town NYTimes.com/realestate combi= nes The New York Times Classified ads with listings from nearly every broke= r in the city- more searchable New York listings than you'll find anyplace = else. Most listings feature: neighborhood maps, photos, floor plans and vi= rtual tours. [IMAGE] INTERNATIONAL Airborne Troops Relieving Marines at= Kandahar Base The Pentagon has ordered soldiers from the 101st Airborne D= ivision to relieve the Marine Corps in southern Afghanistan. The Legacy o= f the Taliban Is a Sad and Broken Land The Afghanistan the Taliban left be= hind seems an almost apocalyptic place, scattered with orphans and the detr= itus of wars. Bin Laden Sought Iran as an Ally, U.S. Intelligence Documen= ts Say Representatives of Osama bin Laden contacted Iranian agents in the = mid-1990's in an attempt to forge an anti-American alliance of terror. = MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS BUSINESS In the U.S., Interactive TV Still Await= s an Audience It has become a familiar refrain the last decade: this is th= e year for interactive television. It has not happened. Will it next year? = Internet Leash Can Monitor Sex Offenders Officials in Sangamon County, I= ll., are using software to restrict the Internet communications of sex offe= nders. New View of the Map at Cable and Wireless Graham Wallace, chief e= xecutive of Cable and Wireless, is convinced that his company needs to focu= s on a global Internet-based strategy. MORE BUSINESS NEWS TECHNOLOGY= In the U.S., Interactive TV Still Awaits an Audience It has become a fami= liar refrain the last decade: this is the year for interactive television. = It has not happened. Will it next year? Expanion Sought for Online Games = Until now, online games have barely registered as a blip on the radar scre= en of the $14 billon computer game industry. Will 2002 be their breakthroug= h year? Internet Leash Can Monitor Sex Offenders Officials in Sangamon C= ounty, Ill., are using software to restrict the Internet communications of = sex offenders. MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLITICS Bush's Budget Director = Girds for a Tough Year In his first year as enforcer of budget discipline,= Mitchell E. Daniels Jr. bloodied himself as much as he succeeded in imposi= ng austerity. I.R.S. Help by Phone Is Slower and Often Wrong, Study Finds= People calling the Internal Revenue Service for help with their tax retur= ns often get inaccurate information, a new government report says. A Man = Who Became More Than a Mayor After eight years of tumult and change, of lo= ud celebrations and unimaginable crises, Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani will lea= ve office on Tuesday. MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS Giants' Playoff Hope= s Disappear The Eagles won their first N.F.C. East title in 13 years and e= liminated the defending division champion Giants from playoff contention. = With Door Open, Jets Hit a Wall The Jets handled their chance to clinch a= playoff spot as poorly as they handled their final, ill-conceived plays in= a loss to the Buffalo Bills. Dolphins Clinch Playoff Bid The Miami Dolp= hins stopped the Atlanta Falcons in the waning seconds to win the game and = clinch a playoff spot. MORE SPORTS NEWS ARTS London Revels in Art, C= heeky or Grandiose From Pisanello to Victorian nudes and a room with light= s that blink, London is tooting its own horn again. In a Muddled Year, Ma= ny Films Have Reason for Oscar Dreams The only thing clear and inevitable = about this year's Oscar race is that some movie will win the best picture p= rize on the night of March 24. When a Son Falls in Love With Dad's Intend= ed The performance of Verdi's longest opera never completely took hold at = the Met on Saturday. MORE ARTS NEWS NY REGION A Man Who Became More = Than a Mayor After eight years of tumult and change, of loud celebrations = and unimaginable crises, Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani will leave office on Tue= sday. Bloomberg Chooses Head of Fire Dept. Mayor-elect Michael R. Bloomb= erg on Sunday chose Nicholas Scoppetta, who overhauled New York City's chil= d welfare system, to be the city's next fire commissioner. Panel Weighs N= ew Methods for Security in Times Square The Times Square Business Improvem= ent District is weighing new security measures, some of which would be like= ly to lead to clashes with civil liberties groups. MORE NY REGION NEWS = OP-ED Oh, You '02 By WILLIAM SAFIRE Although our basic character is = the same, America is rising to the occasion of making our world safe for ci= vilization. A Family Tale By BOB HERBERT After hearing Gary Klahr's fa= mily saga, you don't know whether to raise a glass of Champagne or reach fo= r a bottle of Excedrin. Words Fail, Memory Blurs, Life Wins By JOYCE CA= ROL OATES As soon as an experience is over, we begin the inevitable proces= s of "healing": that is, forgetting. MORE OP-ED NEWS Contribute to = The Neediest Cases Fund Make an online donation this Holiday Season to The = New York Times Neediest Cases Fund to help thousands of people. 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