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[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] Search NYTimes.com Today's News Past Week Past 30 Days Past 90= Days Past Year Since 1996 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Customize This E-Mail [IMAGE] Customize This E-= Mail =09 February 4, 2002 QUOTE OF THE DAY "The reason I got involved is that A= ndersen is in big trouble and they were looking for someone to sprinkle som= e holy water on them." PAUL A. VOLCKER JR., former Federal Reserve chairma= n and new chief of an Arthur Andersen oversight committee. NATIONAL Group= Backs Gays Who Seek to Adopt a Partner's Child The American Academy of Pe= diatrics is announcing its support on Monday for the right of gay men and l= esbians to adopt their partners' children. Bush to Request Big Spending P= ush on Bioterrorism The Bush administration has decided to seek $11 billio= n over two years to protect the nation against bioterrorism, far more than = experts had expected. As Trust Develops, Guards Still Maintain Full Alert= Tensions are easing at the Guant?namo Bay Naval Station in Cuba as the Am= erican captors and their prisoners from Afghanistan begin to see each other= in human terms. MORE NATIONAL NEWS Advertisement Sign up now for= DealBook for Breaking News and Market-Moving Intelligence Your source for= daily briefings on the latest and most comprehensive news about market-mov= ing mergers and acquisitions, IPOs, private equity transactions, venture c= apital deals and Wall Street maneuverings, all delivered before the market'= s opening bell. Edited by Andrew Ross Sorkin. Sign up now! [IMAGE] I= NTERNATIONAL Leaders Warn U.S. It Must Deal Head-On With Mideast Leaders g= athered for the World Economic Forum have warned that the Bush administrati= on cannot win a war on terrorism if does not deal with the Middle East. P= akistani Police Make Little Progress in Search for Reporter The police in = Pakistan have found no solid evidence linking any suspects to the kidnappin= g of American journalist Daniel Pearl. Bin Laden's Trail Is Lost, but Off= icials Suspect He Is Alive A month after United States officials expressed= confidence that they had cornered Osama bin Laden, they now acknowledge th= ey have lost track of the terrorist leader. MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS = BUSINESS At 11th Hour, Lay Says He Won't Testify Kenneth L. Lay, Enron's f= ormer chief executive, told Congress yesterday that he would refuse to tes= tify before two committees preparing to hear his testimony. Talk of Crime= Grows Louder, Spurred by Report The report released Saturday by a special= committee of Enron raises the specter that at the foundation of the compan= y's downfall was a series of multimillion-dollar crimes. Barnesandnoble.c= om Officially Names Chief After two years without an official chief execut= ive, Barnesandnoble.com, the online bookstore, has named Marie J. Toulantis= to the post. MORE BUSINESS NEWS TECHNOLOGY The Increase in Chip Spe= ed Is Accelerating, Not Slowing At the world's premier chip design confere= nce, there is evidence that PC performance increases of the last two years = will not slow in the near future, but actually accelerate. WebMD Is Som= ewhat Stronger After Therapy After 15 months of turnaround therapy adminis= tered by Martin J. Wygod, who took over WebMD from its founders, the stock = price has rebounded somewhat. It's the Scion vs. the Board in Merger Figh= t The dispute over Hewlett-Packard's plan to buy Compaq tends to be person= alized as a confrontation of two individuals, but is it the right two? = MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLITICS Bush to Request Big Spending Push on Biote= rrorism The Bush administration has decided to seek $11 billion over two y= ears to protect the nation against bioterrorism, far more than experts had = expected. In New Hampshire, a New Face Gets a Warm Welcome This weekend = Senator John Edwards began early presidential politicking in New Hampshire,= garnering interest for being a fresh face among the current field of Democ= rats. Former Fed Chief Picked to Oversee Auditor of Enron Arthur Anderse= n on Sunday gave extraordinary authority to an oversight panel to be led by= the former Federal Reserve Board chairman, Paul A. Volcker. MORE POLIT= ICS NEWS SPORTS Patriots Claim the Super Bowl Adam Vinatieri kicked a 4= 8-yard field goal as time expired to lift the New England Patriots to an im= probable win over the St. Louis Rams. Patriots Help Vinatieri Experience = the Moment Tom Brady's late completions to Troy Brown for 23 yards and Jer= maine Wiggins for 6 yards put Adam Vinatieri in his comfort zone. Gogel F= inds Redemption Matt Gogel caught Pat Perez on the back nine and won the A= T&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am for his first PGA Tour victory. MORE S= PORTS NEWS ARTS TV Diet of Torture Games and Gross-Out Stunts Rude, cru= de and above all dumb, shows like "Fear Factor" are part of the mainstrea= ming of a gross new world of television. Loving and Losing to Chase the= Blues The talented R & B singer Alicia Keys played a concert at Radio Ci= ty Music Hall on Friday that was a night of celebration, not innovation. = Singers Merge Politics With Patriotism Sunday's pregame and halftime sho= ws were, as they were meant to be, jarringly different from most Super Bowl= s, but it was easy to see where it all came from. MORE ARTS NEWS NY = REGION Candidates Try to Fathom New York's Shifting Voters The rules that = have long guided candidates seeking statewide office in New York seem to ha= ve been thrown out the window over the last four years. A Little Violence= and Lots of Police Equal 150 Arrests Far From Forum The calm that had inf= used the weekend's protests against the World Economic Forum ended on Sunda= y, when demonstrators took over parts of the East Village and the Upper Eas= t Side. Albany Bill Would Cover Birth Control Republican lawmakers have = offered a compromise bill requiring health insurers to cover contraceptives= . MORE NY REGION NEWS OP-ED Sharon Enters Armistice Talks By WILL= IAM SAFIRE Last Wednesday night, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon gave me his t= elephonic account of what could be the start of a true truce process with = three veteran Palestinian negotiators. Sneak Attack By BOB HERBERT Bu= sh administration officials presented a plan as an altruistic attempt to b= ring more health care benefits to low-income pregnant women. It was actual= ly a guerrilla attack on abortion rights. America and Anti-Americans B= y SALMAN RUSHDIE America finds itself facing a broader ideological adversa= ry that may turn out to be as hard to defeat as militant Islam: anti-Ame= ricanism. MORE OP-ED NEWS About This E-Mail You received these head= lines because you requested The New York Times Direct e-mail service. 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