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Subject:Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com Saturday, December 22, 2001
Date:Sat, 22 Dec 2001 05:02:54 -0800 (PST)

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December 22, 2001 QUOTE OF THE DAY "I wanted the guys who are more lik=
e George Steinbrenner deep pockets and would do anything to see the Red So=
x win." MARK LANGE, a Boston Red Sox fan, on the choice of new owners for =
the team. TolkienArchives Examine the World of J. R. R. Tolkien - This sp=
onsored feature includes articles from the New York Times archives, slide s=
hows of Tolkien's artwork, multimedia presentations from New Line Cinema, w=
eekly trivia quizzes and more. Explore Tolkien Today . NATIONAL U.S.=
Expatriate Is Seen Facing Capital Charge Administration officials said th=
at John Walker, the American who was captured in Afghanistan, would probabl=
y face at least one capital charge. U.S. Inquiry Tried, but Failed, to Li=
nk Iraq to Anthrax Attack The Bush administration made an intense effort t=
o find a link between Iraq and the anthrax attacks, even after scientists d=
etermined the germ was an American strain. In Largest Schools Takeover, S=
tate Will Run Philadelphia's The governor of Pennsylvania won the agreemen=
t of the mayor of Philadelphia for an immediate state takeover of the city'=
s public school system. MORE NATIONAL NEWS Advertisement A New Way =
To Enjoy A Great Book! At Audible, you can download a bestselling book and=
listen to it on your commute, at the gym, or anywhere. Visit us now and g=
et a free MP3 player and start listening today. Sample us first - you'll l=
ove what you hear. Listen to a best seller, an online version of your favo=
rite newspaper or magazine or exclusive entertainment from Robin Williams. =
[IMAGE] INTERNATIONAL Convoy Containing Suspected Taliban Leaders Hi=
t by Airstrike As Afghanistan prepared to install an interim government, U=
nited States jets hit a convoy said to include fleeing Taliban leaders. N=
ew Clashes in Gaza; Hamas to Limit Suicide Attacks Six Palestinians were k=
illed on Friday in clashes with Yasir Arafat's police, even as the group Ha=
mas said it would limit suicide attacks. Argentina's Chaos Raises New Dou=
bts on Monetary Fund The collapse of Argentina's government has raised fre=
sh questions about the effectiveness of the International Monetary Fund and=
the financial policies of the United States. MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS =
BUSINESS The Economy May Be Facing More Hurdles Some signs of a possible=
economic recovery are not as favorable as they sound, and lurking behind t=
hem are financial imbalances that threaten to retard the recovery. The AT=
&T Chief's Report Card Although C. Michael Armstrong failed to realize his=
original plan for AT&T, in many ways, he was more a victim of outside forc=
es than of a bad strategy. Interim Presidency Decided in Argentina but Do=
ubts Linger Argentine political leaders on Friday proposed a three-step pr=
ocess to install a new president, but the country continued to be shaken by=
doubt and confusion. MORE BUSINESS NEWS TECHNOLOGY Delay Sought by =
Microsoft in States' Case Microsoft asked a federal judge to delay the hea=
rings on the proposed remedies of its antitrust case, a move that would pus=
h the proceeding to August at the earliest. The Unforeseen Disruption of =
Moving Ahead A pattern of military confrontation is a model that has been =
increasingly used to describe progress in the worlds of business and techno=
logy. The AT&T Chief's Report Card Although C. Michael Armstrong failed =
to realize his original plan for AT&T, in many ways, he was more a victim o=
f outside forces than of a bad strategy. MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLITI=
CS Totally Extreme Taliban Did TV ads drive John Walker wild? After Twis=
ts of a Novel, Congress Goes Home Congress ended its session with dramatic=
inaction on the economy. Before Adjournment, Congress Acts on Bioterrori=
sm and Security Congress took action on measures to combat bioterrorism, t=
o protect the food supply and to increase security in its last session of t=
he year. MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS Islanders Beat Rangers to Punch =
Chris Osgood made most of his 28 saves after Michael Peca's tie-breaking go=
al and preserved a victory that put the Islanders in a tie for first place =
in the Atlantic Division. Nets' Game Stalls Against Indiana The Nets cro=
ssed up their passes, fell short on their shots and stared into the distanc=
e on defense in a loss to the Indiana Pacers. Dick Schaap, Ubiquitous S=
ports Journalist, Dies at 67 Dick Schaap, the affable and ubiquitous journ=
alist who embodied the role of the "as told to" writer of autobiographies, =
died as a result of complications after hip replacement surgery . MORE =
SPORTS NEWS ARTS A New Chief Steps in at a Changed National Endowment fo=
r the Arts The Senate confirmed a new chairman of the National Endowmen=
t for the Arts late Thursday and hardly anyone noticed. The Unforeseen =
Disruption of Moving Ahead A pattern of military confrontation is a model =
that has been increasingly used to describe progress in the worlds of busin=
ess and technology. A Poet's Palestine as a Metaphor As the Palestinian =
poet Mahmoud Darwish has observed, Palestine is not simply a plot of land, =
any more than Israel is a plot of land in the Jewish imagination. MORE =
ARTS NEWS NY REGION Head of Fund Says Families Should State Their Cases =
The special master of the federal fund for Sept. 11 victims urged disappoi=
nted families to seek a hearing to argue for larger compensation awards. =
And Now, a New York Version of Star Wars A bill passed by both houses of=
the state legislature requires cities to install downward-focused streetli=
ghts to prevent light pollution. Political Map in Connecticut Is Redrawn =
State lawmakers approved a new Congressional map that redraws Connecticut'=
s six House districts into five. MORE NY REGION NEWS OP-ED Totally =
Extreme Taliban By THOMAS FRANK Did TV ads drive John Walker wild? Sie=
ge Mentality in Buenos Aires By NOGA TARNOPOLSKY Argentina's political c=
lass implodes again. The Road to Equal Education The effort to rescue =
millions of disadvantaged children from failing schools can succeed only if=
President Bush places the full weight of his office behind the new law. =
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donation this Holiday Season to The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund to h=
elp thousands of people. Donate now About This E-Mail You received the=
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