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[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] Search NYTimes.com Today's News Past Week Past 30 Days Past 90= Days Past Year Since 1996 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Customize This E-Mail [IMAGE] Customize This E-= Mail =09 January 27, 2002 QUOTE OF THE DAY "Your house is burning down, you run= back in, what do you save? You're just not trained to do that, so you go b= y your instincts." BARTHOLOMEW VOORSANGER, an architect, on remnants colle= cted from the World Trade Center. NATIONAL PCB Pollution Suits Have Day i= n Court in Alabama More than 3,500 plaintiffs are involved in a lawsuit th= at contends that the Monsanto Company knew the dangers of PCB contamination= in Alabama. Immigrant Laborers Feel Stranded in Pacific Northwest as Day= Jobs Dry Up Many immigrants who were able to find work in states like Was= hington and Oregon are now unable to as the unemployment rate continues to = rise. Princeton Embraces Scholar of Black Studies Princeton University's= trustees approved the acquisition of K. Anthony Appiah, a major league s= cholar of African-American studies. MORE NATIONAL NEWS Advertisement= Sign up now for DealBook for Breaking News and Market-Moving Intelligen= ce Your source for daily briefings on the latest and most comprehensive ne= ws about market-moving mergers and acquisitions, IPOs, private equity tran= sactions, venture capital deals and Wall Street maneuverings, all delivered= before the market's opening bell. Edited by Andrew Ross Sorkin. Sign up= now! [IMAGE] INTERNATIONAL Dozens Wounded as Suicide Bomber Strikes in= Jerusalem A suicide bomber detonated his explosives in downtown Jerusalem= today, killing himself and injuring at least 10 people on a busy street th= at's been the scene of several previous attacks. Bin Laden Stirs Struggle= on Meaning of Jihad Whether jihad is armed or a more personal duty of con= science is a question causing consternation in the world's 1.2 billion Musl= ims. China Changes Approach in Espionage Incident China's relationship w= ith the United States has been changing dramatically over the past months, = and the most recent espionage accusations have served as a barometer of tha= t shift. MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS BUSINESS Economic Forum Moves to Ma= nhattan This week, the annual World Economic Forum -- a private summit of = world leaders -- meets in Manhattan, shifted from Davos, a quiet village in= the Swiss Alps. '99 Deal Failed After Scrutiny of Enron Three years ago= , a German company pieced together a picture of Enron's finances so troubli= ng that it helped convince the company to call off a merger with Enron. R= allying Cry at First Boston: Smaller, Cleaner, Fairer John J. Mack, chief = executive of Credit Suisse First Boston, has proven a formidable corporate = leader. But the true tests of his leadership skills lie ahead. MORE BUS= INESS NEWS TECHNOLOGY Homestore Fights for Life as Bad News Piles Up Ho= mestore.com tells a tale of Internet glory that vanished overnight. Quiet= , Please. This Is a Library After All. A modernized library presents Linco= ln Center with acoustical problems of a new sort: noise. Hard Times Promp= t an Entrepreneurial Itch A Silicon Valley publicist did what an increasin= g number of senior managers uncertain of their job prospects are doing: H= e set himself up at his own company. MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLITICS= Powell Asks Bush to Reverse Stand on War Captives The secretary of state = has asked the president to declare that captives from the war on terror are= entitled to protection under the Geneva Convention. Poll Finds Enron's T= aint Clings More to G.O.P. Than Democrats Suspicions are growing that the = Bush administration is hiding something or lying about its dealings with En= ron, the latest New York Times/CBS Poll shows. South Dakota Takes Center = Stage in Political Wars South Dakota has become the unlikely first battleg= round in a war of political superpowers. MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS A= n Amazing Victory for the Knicks Overcoming hot 3-point shooting by Milwau= kee and their own confounding penchant for critical errors, the Knicks outl= asted the Bucks in double overtime. Johansson Upsets Safin to Win His Fir= st Major Sweden's Thomas Johansson won his first Grand Slam title with a 3= -6, 6-4, 6-4, 7-6 (4) victory over Russia's Marat Safin in the men's final = of the Australian Open. Texas Tech Trips No. 6 Oklahoma Andre Emmett had= 26 points and 10 rebounds as Texas Tech upset No. 6 Oklahoma. MORE SPO= RTS NEWS ARTS To Be Alicia Keys: Young, Gifted and in Control Alicia Ke= ys's songs plunge into the unsettled domain of female identity in the hip-h= op era, determined to work their way through conflicting imperatives. A= t 81, Dancing With New Partners Anna Halprin collaborates with the Japanes= e-born Koma and his wife Eiko in "Be With," an emotional movement-puzzle = that spills its pieces on the floor to be reassembled anew. When Japan Tr= ied On the Modernist Mantle An exhibit at the Honolulu Academy of Arts lo= oks at a heady period in Japan's long history of borrowing from, and refini= ng, Western culture. MORE ARTS NEWS NY REGION Budget Pinch Greets Ne= w Governor in Trenton Now that the realities of the recession have come ba= ck to haunt New Jersey lawmakers, the state is left with one of the nation'= s most acute budget problems. What's in an Economic Forum? Visitors, Poli= ce and Protests New Yorkers might not care about the coming World Economic= Forum, but there is good reason to pay attention. 60 Firefighters Who Di= ed on Sept. 11 Were Off Duty A review of the 343 cases in which firefighte= rs lost their lives on Sept. 11 found that 60 were off duty when they rushe= d to the twin towers. MORE NY REGION NEWS OP-ED Planet of the Privi= leged By MAUREEN DOWD On Planet Enron, the atmosphere was so rarefied th= at its inhabitants were blissfully oblivious to how privileged they were. = The 2 Domes of Belgium By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Who were the killer pilots= who went beyond passive support on Sept. 11 to become suicidal mass murder= ers? The Trouble With Bubbles By EDWARD CHANCELLOR Enron's collapse ca= n be seen as representative of the greatest speculative mania in the histor= y of the world. MORE OP-ED NEWS About This E-Mail You received thes= e headlines because you requested The New York Times Direct e-mail service.= To sign up for other newsletters, cancel delivery, change delivery options= or your e-mail address, see http://www.nytimes.com/email . Check or un-c= heck the headlines you would like to receive or cancel and remember to go t= o the bottom of the page and click on "Save Selections." Suggestions and f= eedback are welcome at feedback@nytimes.com . Please include the followin= g ID number when writing to feedback@nytimes.com so that we can track any= reports of problems: 7061593 How to Advertise For information on adverti= sing in e-mail newsletters or other advertising opportunities with NYTimes.= com, contact onlinesales@nytimes.com or visit our online media kit . Copy= right 2002 The New York Times Company =09 [IMAGE]