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Subject:Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com Thursday, December 27, 2001
Date:Thu, 27 Dec 2001 04:57:33 -0800 (PST)

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December 27, 2001 QUOTE OF THE DAY "I don't like people knowing my bus=
iness, but to be a viable farmer you have to have government support." JOH=
N DOLLINGER, who raises corn in Minooka, Ill. TolkienArchives Examine the=
World of J. R. R. Tolkien - This sponsored feature includes articles from =
the New York Times archives, slide shows of Tolkien's artwork, multimedia p=
resentations from New Line Cinema, weekly trivia quizzes and more. Explo=
re Tolkien Today . NATIONAL Passenger With Shoe Bombs First Only Raised=
Eyebrows Even after wrestling him to the ground and sedating him, most pa=
ssengers on Flight 63 thought the man who had tried to light his shoes on f=
ire was merely a crank. New Guidelines Permit Some Sweets for Diabetics =
The American Diabetes Association said on Wednesday that people with the di=
sease could eat sweets occasionally, as long as they kept their blood sugar=
levels under control. Toddler Reported Abducted in Bus Terminal Scores =
of detectives scoured the Chicago region on Wednesday for a 16-month-old gi=
rl who they believe was abducted from a crowded downtown bus terminal on Ch=
ristmas Eve. MORE NATIONAL NEWS Advertisement Listen to Jack - a N=
ew York Times Best Seller - For Just $1.95 Audible is the new way to enjoy=
the best books on the market. Simply download and listen to any of our b=
est sellers - start with Jack, the fascinating autobiography by Jack Welch=
, former CEO of General Electric. Or choose any of our other great busin=
ess books. Take your first selection for just $1.95. Act now! [IMAGE] =
INTERNATIONAL U.S. Putting Off Plan to Use G.I.'s in Afghan Caves The Uni=
ted States military is offering incentives to get Afghan forces to take the=
lead in searching the caves of Tora Bora for traces of Osama bin Laden. =
Powell Tries to Ease Tension as Kashmir Pressure Builds Secretary of State=
Colin L. Powell telephoned leaders in India and Pakistan twice each on Wed=
nesday, urging them to calm the tensions between the two nations. A Gaunt=
bin Laden on New Tape A new videotaped statement from Osama bin Laden tha=
t purports to have been made in late November or early December shows the t=
errorist leader tired and gaunt. MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS BUSINESS La=
te Shopping Gives Retailers a Slight Boost A surge of last-minute shopping=
may have given the nation's retailers and the economy a small boost, accor=
ding to reports on holiday sales released on Wednesday. America West Seek=
s Loan Guarantee to Avoid Bankruptcy Three months after Congress created a=
board to distribute $10 billion in federal loan guarantees to help the air=
line industry, the first application is coming down to the wire. Several =
Issues Combine to Cause Biggest Oil Price Jump of the Year Prices for crud=
e oil recorded their largest jump of the year as traders became increasingl=
y convinced that oil-producing nations would follow through on plans to cut=
production in January. MORE BUSINESS NEWS TECHNOLOGY In Rewritten I=
nternet Fables, the Late Bird Gets the Worm IWon is among a small group of=
Internet companies that have managed, by not overextending themselves, to =
survive and pick gems from the remains of the fallen dot-com giants. Year=
of Living Geekily: Even the Dogs Evolved For observers of human nature, t=
he end of the year presents a golden opportunity for spotting geeks in thei=
r native habitats. So where were they in 2001? And the Password Is . . . =
Waterloo Even those who are vigilant about guarding passwords may be givin=
g away more than they think. MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLITICS Security =
Issues Called a Focus of Next Budget President Bush will propose billions =
of dollars in security initiatives in his new budget, White House officials=
say. Guard for Bush Isn't Allowed Aboard Flight An Arab-American member=
of President Bush's security detail was denied passage on an American Airl=
ines flight on Tuesday evening. Bush Ponders Tough Issues at Ranch While=
vacationing in Texas, President Bush must consider the next target in the =
war on terrorism, the fate of John Walker Lindh and how to jump-start the e=
conomy. MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS Deferred Money Creates Snag in Dea=
l for Vaughn A snag developed in the Mets' attempt to restructure the rema=
ining years of Mo Vaughn's contract, delaying a potential trade between New=
York and the Angels. Nuggets' Issel Resigns Dan Issel resigned as head =
coach and president of the Denver Nuggets, two weeks after he started a nat=
ional furor by using an ethnic insult toward a fan. Kidd Powers Nets Over=
Cleveland After his team had blown a 25-point third-quarter lead and let =
it slip to 2 points with a minute to play, Jason Kidd willed the Nets to a =
win over the Cavaliers. MORE SPORTS NEWS ARTS Pompeii's Erotic Fresc=
oes Awake Buried in A.D. 79, Pompeii's recently restored frescoes are goin=
g public again on Jan. 19. What's in a Band's Name? Plenty if It's Anthra=
x Slowly emerging from the Get What You Asked For file, Anthrax has been h=
umbled by its ironic association with terrorism. Turning the Camera on =
a Life Marred by a Deadly Prank Nearly 20 years ago Peter Wade was part of=
a late-night prank that caused the death of a Conrail conductor. Now he is=
an American success story. MORE ARTS NEWS NY REGION Quality of Life=
Is High Priority for Bloomberg Mayor-elect Michael R. Bloomberg announced=
on Wednesday that his administration would make "a major effort" to roll b=
ack such offenses as prostitution and panhandling. Hard Questions for Mov=
ement to Shut Indian Point As a broad coalition unites to close the Indian=
Point nuclear power plant, which is 30 miles north of Manhattan, the movem=
ent's leaders face some tough choices. $700 Million in Federal Aid Will G=
o to Affected Businesses Gov. George E. Pataki announced a plan on Wednesd=
ay to distribute $700 million to businesses in Lower Manhattan. MORE NY=
REGION NEWS OP-ED Office Pool, 2002 By WILLIAM SAFIRE Predict what =
will happen in the news in 2002 by answering these multiple choice question=
s. A Doctor's Story By BOB HERBERT An Afghan doctor was imprisoned and=
tortured by the Taliban before he escaped and fled to the United States. =
Textiles and Terrorism By LAEL BRAINARD Trade policy that aims to prote=
ct America's textile and apparel industry prevents poor countries from gett=
ing richer and therefore hurts national security. MORE OP-ED NEWS C=
ontribute to The Neediest Cases Fund Make an online donation this Holiday S=
eason to The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund to help thousands of people=
. Donate now About This E-Mail You received these headlines because yo=
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