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[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] Search NYTimes.com Today's News Past Week Past 30 Days Past 90= Days Past Year Since 1996 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Customize This E-Mail [IMAGE] Customize This E-= Mail =09 January 31, 2002 QUOTE OF THE DAY "I'll send in heavy armor. I'll send= in multiple rocket launchers, I'll fire, and fire, and fire, all night and= all day, until I bring this to a finish." PADSHA KHAN ZADRAN, one of two = warlords whose forces clashed on Wednesday in Gardez, Afghanistan. NATION= AL Suspect Calls Malaysia a Staging Area for Terror Attacks An operative o= f Al Qaeda provided new evidence to show that the Southeast Asian nation wa= s a major staging area for the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Suspect Walks Off= as Explosive Is Detected An air passenger whose shoes tripped an alert fo= r possible explosives walked past security agents at San Francisco Internat= ional Airport. Science Will Catch Up at Waste Site, U.S. Says The Energy= Department plans to ask permission to dispose of nuclear waste at Yucca Mo= untain in Nevada before it has finished designing the repository. MORE = NATIONAL NEWS Advertisement Sign up now for DealBook for Breaking New= s and Market-Moving Intelligence Your source for daily briefings on the la= test and most comprehensive news about market-moving mergers and acquisitio= ns, IPOs, private equity transactions, venture capital deals and Wall Stre= et maneuverings, all delivered before the market's opening bell. Edited b= y Andrew Ross Sorkin. Sign up now! [IMAGE] INTERNATIONAL Bush Aides Sa= y Tough Tone Put Foes on Notice President Bush decided to lump Iran and No= rth Korea with Iraq despite the fact that the two nations have sought impro= ved relations with the United States. Rich and Powerful Gathering at Elit= e Forum on Economy Participants will gather in New York City today for the= opening of the World Economic Forum, an event that brings together the wor= ld's movers and shakers. Fighting Erupts in Afghan City as Warlords Compe= te for Power After two months of rising tensions between rival warlords ac= ross Afghanistan, the strategic city of Gardez erupted Wednesday in heavy f= ighting. MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS BUSINESS Fed Holds Steady on Intere= st Rates as Economy Firms The Federal Reserve brought its yearlong campaig= n of interest rate cuts to an apparent end Wednesday, voting to hold rates = steady and citing signs of an incipient recovery. General Accounting Offi= ce to Sue White House To force the release of files detailing contacts bet= ween the administration's energy task force and executives, the agency said= that it would sue the White House. Board Dashes Cold Water on Public Feu= d at Viacom Directors of Viacom told Sumner M. Redstone, the company's cha= irman and C.E.O., and Mel Karmazin, the company's president and C.O.O., to = end their public disagreements. MORE BUSINESS NEWS TECHNOLOGY Plaint= iffs Sought Timeout After Turn in Napster Case The major record companies = that are seeking a temporary suspension in their lawsuit against Napster, w= ere about to face inquiries into their own behavior on maintaining copyrigh= ts. AT&T and AOL Are Very Different and Yet Very Much Alike As AT&T and = AOL Time Warner both reported quarterly financial results, it became clear = that there were important similarities in the challenges they face. Som= e States Track Parolees by Satellite In the United States 150,000 offender= s are subject to electronic supervision like G.P.S. tracking, home monitori= ng systems and mandatory telephone checks. MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLI= TICS Bush Budget Will Seek Cuts in Programs for Job Training Despite an in= crease in unemployment, President Bush's budget will seek cuts in several= job-training programs for laid-off workers and young adults. Bush Aides = Say Tough Tone Put Foes on Notice President Bush decided to lump Iran and = North Korea with Iraq despite the fact that the two nations have sought imp= roved relations with the United States. President Seeks Volunteers in Fig= ht Against Terrorism President Bush said that he would create a volunteer = agency called Citizen Corps to engage Americans in protecting against terro= rism. MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS Brady Will Start for Patriots New E= ngland Coach Bill Belichick chose Tom Brady, who sprained his ankle against= the Steelers on Sunday, to start Super Bowl XXXVI. Yashin Rips Richter a= nd Rangers Aleksei Yashin scored three times in the first period to lead t= he Islanders to a thumping of the Rangers. Tyson Investigated in Another = Rape Complaint The Las Vegas police are investigating a second complaint, = this time by a woman who said Mike Tyson raped her at his home in November = 2000. MORE SPORTS NEWS ARTS Moving Mendelssohn Beyond Weddings A co= nductor and a musicologist hope to catalog and record the ever-growing cano= n of the composer best known for "The Wedding March." Black Musician, Bea= ten by Spanish Police, to Miss Concert Rodney Mack, the principal trumpet = player for the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra, was beaten so badly by police = in Barcelona that he will be unable to appear at Carnegie Hall on Feb. 1. = Old Masters Generate Mixed Results at Auctions Prices paid for artists li= ke van Dyck and Romney broke records, but some paintings that had been on t= he auction market a little too recently were bargains. MORE ARTS NEWS = NY REGION 9/11 in Firefighters' Words: Surreal Chaos and Hazy Heroics In= interviews with Fire Department investigators, firefighters who responded = to the Sept. 11 attack described the day's turmoil. Appearing in the Role= of Evil: The Other Side The first act of a major theatrical production op= ens today as thousands gather inside the Waldorf-Astoria for an exclusive e= vent called the World Economic Forum. In First Address to Council, Mayor = Warns of Cutbacks Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg vowed to rebuild New York fro= m the Sept. 11 attack, but warned of the difficulty of closing the city's b= udget deficit. MORE NY REGION NEWS OP-ED 'To Fight Freedom's Fight'= By WILLIAM SAFIRE President Bush's refusal "to leave terror states unch= ecked" leaves only secondary decisions: when and how to attack the nations = he identified as the "axis of evil," North Korea, Iran and Iraq. As Bush'= s Stature Rises . . . By BOB HERBERT It will take a lot more than Dick G= ephardt's tepid address on Tuesday night to interfere with the bond that is= developing between President Bush and the American people. Why Are Glob= alizers So Provincial? By ALICE H. AMSDEN A smattering of rich countries= exercises leadership in international organizations and world markets, des= pite the principle of a level playing field. MORE OP-ED NEWS Abou= t This E-Mail You received these headlines because you requested The New Yo= rk Times Direct e-mail service. To sign up for other newsletters, cancel de= livery, change delivery options or your e-mail address, see http://www.nyti= mes.com/email . Check or un-check the headlines you would like to receive= or cancel and remember to go to the bottom of the page and click on "Save = Selections." Suggestions and feedback are welcome at feedback@nytimes.com = . 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