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[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] Search NYTimes.com Today's News Past Week Past 30 Days Past 90= Days Past Year Since 1996 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Customize This E-Mail [IMAGE] Customize This E-= Mail =09 February 5, 2002 QUOTE OF THE DAY "I got 3,500 over 10 years, but our = friend, Kay Bailey Hutchison, she got 99,000. Heck, I'm the chairman of the= committee. That wasn't a contribution. That was an insult." ERNEST F. HOL= LINGS, chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, when asked if he had rece= ived contributions from Enron. NATIONAL Bush's Aggressive Accounting In = short, the administration's strategy is to prevent criticism of what amount= s to a fiscal debacle by wrapping its budget in the flag. Cutting Taxes F= aster Would Help Everyone Government can't inject money into an economy un= less it first takes the money out. Security Kicks in Before the Winter = Games With opening ceremonies just four days away, all the plans to keep t= he Winter Olympics safe are kicking in. MORE NATIONAL NEWS Advertis= ement Sign up now for exclusive Classical Music concerts and premium co= ntent! andante is your source for classical music on the Internet. Exclus= ive concerts from the most prestigious ensembles. Over 23,000 concerts li= sted. In-depth virtual library. Sign up now and enjoy the benefits of Char= ter Membership! [IMAGE] INTERNATIONAL Annan Cautions Business as World= Forum Ends The United Nations chief closed the World Economic Forum by te= lling business leaders that "business cannot afford to be seen as the probl= em." Iraq Proposes U.N. Talks, and Gets a Wary Reply Iraq's offer for ta= lks had all the hallmarks of an attempt by its leader, Saddam Hussein, to b= uild up international resistance to an American attack. Israeli's Dual Jo= b: Chief of Defense, and Dissent The man proposing to lead a coalition to = unseat the prime minister is also in charge of leading the military methods= the coalition is attacking. MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS BUSINESS Senato= rs to Vote to Issue Subpoena to Ex-Enron Chief Republicans and Democrats o= n the Senate Commerce Committee said they would vote Tuesday to issue a sub= poena to compel an appearance by Kenneth L. Lay. Deal at Enron Gave Insid= ers Quick Fortunes A small group of insiders at Enron made millions in pro= fits in secret deals with some of the partnerships that ultimately brought = the company to its knees. Ernst & Young Latest Auditor Moving to Alter So= me Practices Ernst & Young said that it would stop selling information tec= hnology services to companies it audits and that it would no longer serve a= s internal accountant and external auditor at the same company. MORE BU= SINESS NEWS TECHNOLOGY Hewlett Lifts Profit Outlook and Each Side in War= Exults Both sides in the spirited proxy contest over Hewlett-Packard's pl= an to buy Compaq Computer pointed to HP's performance, which was better tha= n expected, as proof of their claims. Williams Companies Lists Possible S= teps to Bolster Rating The Williams Companies said that it planned to step= up asset sales and that it might issue shares to strengthen its balance sh= eet and retain its investment-grade credit rating. Muslims Feel Sept. 11 = Chill as Mecca Plays It Safe The Saudis have begun collecting personal dat= a from Muslim visitors to start a system for tracking and identifying them.= MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLITICS As Troubles Multiply, the Budget Equa= tion Changes On Monday, President Bush sent Congress a new budget plan, wh= ich has little extra money for anything other than national security and ta= x cuts. Senators to Vote to Issue Subpoena to Ex-Enron Chief Republicans= and Democrats on the Senate Commerce Committee said they would vote Tuesda= y to issue a subpoena to compel an appearance by Kenneth L. Lay. Anti-Tax= Leader Confesses He Used Campaign Money Tim Eyman, a businessman who was = the champion of several tax-cutting initiatives in Washington State, said o= n Monday that he had profited personally from political fund-raising drives= . MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS When Push Came to Shove, Patriots Did Bo= th The Patriots exerted their will on the Rams and forced the Super Bowl t= o be played on their terms. Introverted Coach Finally Out of His Shell A= s a winning Super Bowl coach, the Patriots' Bill Belichick has attained a s= tature that for years was thought to be beyond his personality. In Great = Matchup, Only Nets Are Great Led by Keith Van Horn's 25 points, the Nets t= ook apart the Kings, who had the N.B.A.'s best record entering the lopsided= game. MORE SPORTS NEWS ARTS Restoration of a Leonardo Is Ruled Out = Critics of the proposed restoration of "The Adoration of the Magi" see the= decision as a moral victory and a personal vindication. WNYC-FM Reassess= es Program Format Station managers are studying whether to cut back perman= ently on classical music as part of a larger plan to revamp all of its prog= ramming. A Dead Man's Failed Muse and Lost Women Athol Fugard's "Sorrows= and Rejoicings" is a play about irrevocably divided selves. MORE ART= S NEWS NY REGION Electricity Crisis Eases in New York New York City, wh= ich faced an electricity crisis last summer, now has all the energy it need= s through at least mid-2003 and perhaps beyond, experts say. So Long New = York, and Thanks for a Mostly Well-Ordered Bash In the end, the World Econ= omic Forum went off so smoothly that aside from some minor traffic inconve= niences the lives of most New Yorkers were unaffected. In Albany, School= Boards Lose Backing Black and Hispanic members of the State Assembly are = saying New York City's community school boards have failed minority communi= ties. MORE NY REGION NEWS OP-ED Bush's Aggressive Accounting By = PAUL KRUGMAN In short, the administration's strategy is to prevent critici= sm of what amounts to a fiscal debacle by wrapping its budget in the flag. = The Wrong Lessons of the Somalia Debacle By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF With l= uck, Afghanistan will again prove that helping war-torn third-world countri= es is a smarter policy than running away from them. Is the Human Rights E= ra Ending? By MICHAEL IGNATIEFF If Washington turns away, the human ri= ghts movement loses the one government whose power can be decisive in s= topping human rights abuses. MORE OP-ED NEWS About This E-Mail Yo= u received these headlines because you requested The New York Times Direct = e-mail service. 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