Enron Mail

Subject:Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com Tuesday, January 29, 2002
Date:Tue, 29 Jan 2002 04:46:54 -0800 (PST)

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January 29, 2002 QUOTE OF THE DAY "We're resilient; this is New Orlean=
s. But how are we just going to wait for days and days until the next parad=
e? We need our fix." ARTHUR HARDY, publisher of a Mardi Gras guide, on the=
city's decision to stop Mardi Gras parades during Super Bowl weekend. NA=
TIONAL U.S. Is Requesting Tighter Security at Utah Olympics Out of concern=
that some sites have not been adequately protected, the Justice Department=
has requested major security changes at the Olympic Games. Bush Says Pri=
vacy Is Needed on Data From Enron Talks President Bush on Monday defended =
his refusal to turn over information to Congress about contacts between Enr=
on and the administration's energy task force. Act on Clean-Elections Law=
, Court Orders The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts has brought bac=
k a statute long believed dead: the Massachusetts Clean Elections Law. =
MORE NATIONAL NEWS Advertisement Sign up now for DealBook for Breakin=
g News and Market-Moving Intelligence Your source for daily briefings on t=
he latest and most comprehensive news about market-moving mergers and acqui=
sitions, IPOs, private equity transactions, venture capital deals and Wall=
Street maneuverings, all delivered before the market's opening bell. Edi=
ted by Andrew Ross Sorkin. Sign up now! [IMAGE] INTERNATIONAL Bush Rec=
onsiders Stand on Treating Captives of War President Bush said he was reco=
nsidering the question of whether detainees held in Guant?namo Bay, Cuba, s=
hould be protected under the Geneva Convention. Saudi Affirms U.S. Ties b=
ut Says Bush Ignores Palestinians' Cause In a rare interview, Crown Prince=
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia embraced the United States as a close friend, but=
criticized American policy in the Middle East. Bush Offers Afghanistan U=
.S. Help for Training of Military and Police President Bush vowed to build=
"a lasting partnership" with Afghanistan, by helping it train forces and o=
ffering $50 million in credit for private investments. MORE INTERNATION=
AL NEWS BUSINESS Bush Says Privacy Is Needed on Data From Enron Talks P=
resident Bush on Monday defended his refusal to turn over information to Co=
ngress about contacts between Enron and the administration's energy task fo=
rce. In Another Big Bankruptcy, a Fiber Optic Venture Fails Global Cross=
ing, which spent five years and $15 billion to build a worldwide network of=
high-speed Internet and telephone lines, filed for bankruptcy protection. =
Back From the Brink, Xerox Posts a Return to Operating Profit It appears=
that the pain of cutting jobs, selling assets and fighting off allegations=
of accounting irregularities have paid off for Xerox. MORE BUSINESS NE=
WS TECHNOLOGY In Another Big Bankruptcy, a Fiber Optic Venture Fails Gl=
obal Crossing, which spent five years and $15 billion to build a worldwide =
network of high-speed Internet and telephone lines, filed for bankruptcy pr=
otection. Back From the Brink, Xerox Posts a Return to Operating Profit =
It appears that the pain of cutting jobs, selling assets and fighting off a=
llegations of accounting irregularities have paid off for Xerox. Chip Mak=
ers in Japan See Only Trouble Toshiba and Fujitsu are scheduled to announc=
e results on Tuesday for the third fiscal quarter, and both are expected to=
be severely downbeat. MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLITICS Bush Reconsider=
s Stand on Treating Captives of War President Bush said he was reconsideri=
ng the question of whether detainees held in Guant?namo Bay, Cuba, should b=
e protected under the Geneva Convention. Bush Proposes Drug Benefit for t=
he Low-Income Elderly President Bush on Monday proposed spending $190 bill=
ion over the next decade to overhaul Medicare and provide prescription-drug=
benefits to the elderly. Bush Says Privacy Is Needed on Data From Enron =
Talks President Bush on Monday defended his refusal to turn over informati=
on to Congress about contacts between Enron and the administration's energy=
task force. MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS Belichick Dodges, Parries and=
Wins Coach Bill Belichick summoned his flat-line voice and inscrutable fa=
cial expressions when asked about the Patriots' quarterback situation. U.=
S. Is Requesting Tighter Security at Utah Olympics Out of concern that som=
e sites have not been adequately protected, the Justice Department has requ=
ested major security changes at the Olympic Games. Concern Over Health Ri=
sk Stemming Use of Painkillers Since Alonzo Mourning was found to have a k=
idney disorder, many players in the N.B.A. have grown concerned about the u=
se of anti-inflammatory drugs. MORE SPORTS NEWS ARTS Jewish Museum S=
how Looks Nazis in the Face and Creates a Fuss The show's idea, the muse=
um says, is to bring together works using images of Nazis and the Holocau=
st that focus not on the victims but on the perpetrators for a change. =
The Old Man Who Loved the Sea, and Papa When Gregorio Fuentes, Ernest Hemi=
ngway's fishing companion and confidant, died earlier this month in Cuba, t=
he sadness spread back to the Chicago suburb where Hemingway was born and r=
aised. Flamenco Dares the Unpredictable Flamenco, for all its strictly d=
efined musical and dance forms, is an art of extremes. MORE ARTS NEWS =
NY REGION Seeking Safety, Manhattan Firms are Scattering Morgan Stanley,=
Goldman Sachs and Marsh & McClennan are all planning on decentralizing the=
ir operations, part of a trend that does not bode well for Lower Manhattan.=
Huge Police Presence Is Readied for World Economic Forum Protesters at =
the World Economic Forum later this week can expect to see 3,800 police off=
icers with zero tolerance for any violations of the law. Bloomberg Is Inc=
reasing City Lobbying in Washington Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has started=
to aggressively lobby on Capitol Hill to put New York City's needs front a=
nd center with the nation's lawmakers. MORE NY REGION NEWS OP-ED Th=
e Great Divide By PAUL KRUGMAN I predict that in the years ahead Enron=
, not Sept. 11, will come to be seen as the greater turning point in Am=
erican society. A Need for Prudence in the Persian Gulf By SHIBLEY TELH=
AMI Over time, the United States and Saudi Arabia should begin talks to =
reduce the American military presence, because our mutual interests will =
require that change. Argentines Check Their Baggage By ROBERTO GONZ?LEZ=
ECHVARR?A The Argentines now returning to Spain are very different from=
their grandparents, many of whom were poor Spanish emigrants. MORE=
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