Enron Mail

Subject:Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com Wednesday, February 6, 2002
Date:Wed, 6 Feb 2002 04:45:50 -0800 (PST)

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February 6, 2002 QUOTE OF THE DAY "We have to be concerned about not f=
ocusing too much on America. We have to emphasize the rest of the world. Th=
e world expects an international event." DON MISCHER, producer of the Olym=
pics' opening ceremony, on the impact of Sept. 11. NATIONAL Lindh Coerced=
After Capture, Lawyers Assert Lawyers for John Walker Lindh, the American=
captured with the Taliban, said he was harshly treated in coercive conditi=
ons by his American captors. On Tuesday, Lindh was indicted by a federal gr=
and jury on 10 criminal charges. Convict's DNA Sways Labs, Not a Determin=
ed Prosecutor A district attorney in Pennsylvania is refusing to let a man=
convicted of rape out of prison despite DNA evidence proving him innocent.=
Fraying Ties With Blacks, Los Angeles Mayor Opposes Rehiring Police Chie=
f Mayor James K. Hahn of Los Angeles opposed giving a new contract to Poli=
ce Chief Bernard Parks, angering many local African-American leaders. M=
ORE NATIONAL NEWS Advertisement The lightweight, portable Steam Buggy=
cleans virtually everything inside and out of your house, without the chem=
icals, without the expense. [IMAGE] INTERNATIONAL Powell Says U.S. Plan=
s to Work Out Binding Arms Pact The United States expects to meet Russia's=
demand for a "legally binding" agreement on reducing their nuclear stockpi=
les by roughly two-thirds, the secretary of state said. Yemen Says It Is =
Pursuing 2 Men Wanted by the U.S. President Ali Abdullah Saleh said that h=
e was depending for the moment on tribal chieftains to locate the men and p=
ersuade them to surrender. Terror Acts by Baghdad Have Waned, U.S. Aides =
Say The Central Intelligence Agency has no evidence that Iraq has engaged =
in terrorist operations against the United States in nearly a decade. M=
ORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS BUSINESS Enron Executives Say They Debated Freeze=
on Pension Before they temporarily barred employees from selling company =
stock, Enron executives debated delaying the moratorium because employees c=
ould suffer losses. Deloitte Is Last Big Audit Firm to Revamp Consulting =
Business Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu announced that it would separate its acc=
ounting business from its consulting business in response to growing pressu=
re in the wake of the Enron collapse. 2 Big Names Said to Drop Idea of Bi=
dding for WorldCom Verizon and SBC Communications each considered bidding =
to acquire WorldCom, but backed out amid concerns that WorldCom's core long=
-distance businesses face continued difficulties. MORE BUSINESS NEWS =
TECHNOLOGY Auction Sites in Japan Fear Move to Limit Online Sales The Jap=
anese National Police Agency is circulating a proposal to require sellers o=
f used goods through Internet auctions to obtain licenses. 2 Big Names Sa=
id to Drop Idea of Bidding for WorldCom Verizon and SBC Communications eac=
h considered bidding to acquire WorldCom, but backed out amid concerns that=
WorldCom's core long-distance businesses face continued difficulties. No=
t in Finland Anymore? More Like Nokialand Nokia's impressive growth has so=
me Finns wondering if they have not, in fact, exchanged one master the Sov=
iet Union for another. MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLITICS Bush Plans Ear=
ly Warning System for Terror President Bush said that he envisioned a broa=
d emergency alert system to warn the country of biological attacks. Econo=
mic Recovery Package on Brink of Dying in Senate The Senate moved to the b=
rink of abandoning efforts to pass an economic recovery package. House Sp=
eaker Schedules Vote Next Week on Campaign Finance Overhaul Speaker J. Den=
nis Hastert announced that the House would vote next week on long-stalled c=
ampaign finance legislation. MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS Baseball Won'=
t Drop Teams This Season Unable to hurdle legal roadblocks, Major League B=
aseball abandoned its plan to eliminate the Minnesota Twins and the Montrea=
l Expos for the coming season. Same Old Knight Getting Results Still vol=
atile and still brilliant, Bob Knight has led Texas Tech to a 16-4 record i=
n his first season as head coach of the Red Raiders. Knicks Let One Get A=
way After building an 18-point lead in the third quarter, the Knicks suf=
fered a huge letdown that resulted in an embarrassing loss to the Clippers.=
MORE SPORTS NEWS ARTS Two New Leads Are on the Way to 'The Producer=
s' The producers of the blockbuster musical confirmed on Tuesday that the =
matinee on March 17 would be the last performance for Nathan Lane and Matth=
ew Broderick. A Curator Defends His Show Exploring Nazi Imagery "We have=
a duty to show new ideas and concerns about the Holocaust," says Norman L.=
Kleeblatt, curator of fine arts at the Jewish Museum. Ferreting Out the =
Loopholes in Oscar Rules The guidelines for Oscar campaigns cover 13 point=
s. The ways around them are many. MORE ARTS NEWS NY REGION CBS to Br=
oadcast Videotape Shot Inside Towers During Attack CBS announced that it w=
ould broadcast a documentary culled from the videotape footage shot inside =
the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. Ex-Head of Harlem Charity Is Arrested=
Lorraine Hale and her husband, Jesse DeVore, were charged on Tuesday with=
misappropriating more than $1 million from Hale House. Bloomberg Passes =
Hat, Aiming at Corporate Help Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, seeking ways to =
help the city narrow a budget gap, wants to offer corporate naming rights f=
or city parks and stadiums. MORE NY REGION NEWS OP-ED Barbie Loves =
Math By MAUREEN DOWD Only 10 years after Mattel put out Teen Talk Barbie=
whining "Math class is tough," we have women unearthing the Rosetta stone =
of the indecipherable Enron scandal. Dear Arab League By THOMAS L. FRIE=
DMAN President Bush should tell the Arab League members that they are the =
ones with the power to reshape Arab-Israeli relations, not the United State=
s. Choosing the Right Enemies By MICHAEL O'HANLON We will harm our nat=
ional security if we fail to appreciate the great differences among the thr=
ee countries President Bush called the "axis of evil." MORE OP-ED NEWS=
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