Enron Mail

Subject:Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com Wednesday, January 30, 2002
Date:Wed, 30 Jan 2002 04:47:13 -0800 (PST)

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January 30, 2002 QUOTE OF THE DAY "The United States of America will n=
ot permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world'=
s most destructive weapons." PRESIDENT BUSH NATIONAL F.B.I. Director Re=
moves Official Over Her Handling of Spy Inquiry Sheila Horan, one of the F=
.B.I.s highest ranking women, was removed over her handling of an investiga=
tion into suspicions of Chinese espionage, officials said. Harvard Adds B=
lack-Politics Scholar to Faculty Harvard University, which lost a top blac=
k scholar last week to Princeton, has hired a scholar of black politics fro=
m the University of Chicago. In Speech, Bush Calls Iraq, Iran and North K=
orea 'an Axis of Evil' President Bush told Americans on Tuesday night that=
"our war against terror is only beginning" and sent new warnings to terror=
ists around the world. MORE NATIONAL NEWS Advertisement Miramax F=
ilms presents IN THE BEDROOM Over 150 critics call IN THE BEDROOM "One of =
the best films of the year." For an in-depth look at the best reviewed dram=
a of the year, please visit: www.miramaxhighlights.com/inthebedroom [IMAG=
E] INTERNATIONAL Pointing Finger, Bush Broadens His 'Doctrine' President=
Bush on Tuesday laid the basis for an ambitious campaign against Iraq and =
other hostile nations that are seeking to develop weapons of mass destructi=
on. In Flash of an Afghan Cape, a Star of Diplomacy Is Born If Central C=
asting had searched for an unknown player to explain the challenges of a re=
born Afghanistan, it could hardly have done better than Hamid Karzai. An =
Intricate Web Lured Reporter to Meet a Cleric Who Vanished Daniel Pearl, t=
he American reporter who was kidnapped in Pakistan last Wednesday, was draw=
n into a well-laid trap by his abductors. MORE INTERNATIONAL NEWS BU=
SINESS Enron Says Shredding of Records Was Not Stopped Until Recently Enro=
n acknowledged that it had contracted until mid-January with commercial shr=
edding companies to destroy company documents. Evidence Proving Fraud May=
Turn Out to Be Elusive Enron collapsed after reporting strong profits for=
years, a fact that might be seen as proof that the profits were illusory. =
2 Tyco Officials Sold Stock by Returning It to Company Two senior execut=
ives of Tyco International quietly disposed of more than $100 million in Ty=
co stock during the company's last fiscal year. MORE BUSINESS NEWS T=
ECHNOLOGY Gerstner to Step Down as I.B.M. Chief Louis V. Gerstner Jr., an =
outsider who guided a remarkable turnaround at I.B.M. and transformed its o=
nce-hidebound culture, announced that he would step down on March 1. IDT =
Says It May Want to Buy Some Assets of Global Crossing The IDT Corporation=
said that it was interested in buying assets from Global Crossing, the fib=
er optic company that filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday. Diverse =
Group Opposes EchoStar-DirecTV Deal Formidable forces are arrayed against =
Charles W. Ergen, the CEO of EchoStar, as he tries to win regulatory approv=
al for his company's takeover of DirecTV. MORE TECHNOLOGY NEWS POLIT=
ICS In Speech, Bush Calls Iraq, Iran and North Korea 'an Axis of Evil' Pre=
sident Bush told Americans on Tuesday night that "our war against terror is=
only beginning" and sent new warnings to terrorists around the world. Re=
publicans Divide Over Disclosing Information Republican senators are break=
ing ranks over the White House's refusal to tell Congress about contacts be=
tween Enron and the administration's energy task force. Afghan Agrees Wit=
h Bush on Prisoners Afghanistan's interim leader said the captives from th=
e Afghanistan war being held in Guant?namo Bay, Cuba, did not deserve priso=
ner-of-war status. MORE POLITICS NEWS SPORTS Tyson Denied License in=
Nevada The Nevada State Athletic Commission denied Mike Tyson a license t=
o fight Lennox Lewis. It is the second time the panel has halted Tyson's ca=
reer. U.S. Athletes Must Guess on Supplements American Olympic officials=
send their athletes contradictory and, to some critics, hypocritical messa=
ges about nutritional supplements. Knicks Send Iverson to Background All=
en Iverson scored only 15 points, his lowest output of the season, and th=
e Knicks stunned the Philadelphia 76ers. MORE SPORTS NEWS ARTS The=
Trial of a Dealer Divides the Art World The case of Frederick Schultz, a =
prominent New York City antiquities dealer, is seen by many as a test of th=
e American government's resolve on stolen antiquities. Battering Begins. =
The Police Come. It All Starts Again. Like his other works, Frederick Wise=
man's unambiguous new documentary examines American institutions: in this c=
ase, institutions that are built to assist sufferers. Songwriter Sues F.=
C.C. Over Radio Sanctions Sarah Jones claims the Federal Communications Co=
mmission violated her First Amendment rights when it fined a radio station =
for playing a spoken-word song by her with vivid sexual imagery. MORE A=
RTS NEWS NY REGION Before the Towers Fell, Fire Dept. Fought Chaos Poor=
radio communication on Sept. 11 rendered firefighters in the twin towers u=
nreachable, according to interviews with fire commanders. Tenuous Grip on=
Rebuilding Could Hurt Bloomberg's Term Decisions made regarding the area =
south of City Hall could influence the outcome of Mayor Michael R. Bloomber=
g's term. For City, Good Buzz May Be Best Payoff of Economic Forum New Y=
ork's tourism industry is hoping for an economic boost from the World Econo=
mic Forum. MORE NY REGION NEWS OP-ED A Blue Burka for Justice By =
MAUREEN DOWD The theme of Bush I is now the theme of Bush II: Trust us, e=
ven if we won't let you verify. We know we're right. We answer to no one. =
Dead Man Walking By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Yasir Arafat is a dead man walk=
ing. So let us root for the rapid emergence of a real Palestinian peace par=
tner. The Cloning Conundrum By JACK M. BALKIN The United States Suprem=
e Court has created legal precedents that may make it difficult for the =
federal government to ban cloning as well as hate crimes. MORE OP-ED N=
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