Enron Mail

Subject:Your Gymboree Order Has Shipped!
Date:Mon, 4 Feb 2002 20:09:59 -0800 (PST)

Dear Louise,

Thank you for shopping at Gymboree! Your order was sent to you on 2/4/2002.You should receive it shortly. Please print a copy of this email for your records.

The details of your order are listed below.

Thank you again,

Gymboree Online Store Team

Order number: 1709174
Shipment number: 1714372

Bill To: Ship To:
-------- --------
Louise Nettelton Louise Nettelton
2137 Chilton Road 2137 Chilton Road
Houston, TX 77019 Houston, TX 77019

Item Color Size Qty Price Total Price
Gingham Shirt red 12-18 mos 1 $20.00 $20.00
Tech Mitten red 12-2T mos 1 $5.59 $5.59
Sub Total: $25.59
Tax: $2.11
Shipping: $5.95

Order Total: $33.65

Your order was shipped via (FedEx Standard).
Your shipment tracking number is 608955065039.
To track your order, go to http://www.gymboree.com/our_company/popup_fedex_tracking.jsp?trackno=608955065039&shipdate=200224.
To view the status of your order, go to http://www.gymboree.com, sign in, and review your Order Status within your My Account.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact a customer service team member at orders@gymboree.com or 1-877-4-GYM-WEB (1-877-449-6932). Our customer service hours are Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m, and on Saturday 7:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m (PST).