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Enron Mail |
Marla is going to track down the issues below. As you know, we are trying = our best to address issues like these once we are aware of them. =20 Thanks, Robert -----Original Message----- From: =09Barnard, Marla =20 Sent:=09Wednesday, January 02, 2002 4:25 PM To:=09Beck, Sally; Jones, Robert W.- HR Exec Subject:=09RE: Terminated Employees' Benefits The Net Works HR team is working daily with individuals to get their record= s accurate as well as communicate as much information as we can. Hector, m= yself or Laura Kinningham would be more than happy to get the names of indi= viduals Sabra is referring to and offer our help. =20 Sally, can I contact Sabra and get the names of those to whom she is referr= ing or let her know she can tell them to call me? I think it has helped to= have an HR generalist people can call to help them. -----Original Message----- From: =09Beck, Sally =20 Sent:=09Wednesday, January 02, 2002 4:14 PM To:=09Jones, Robert W.- HR Exec; Barnard, Marla Subject:=09FW: Terminated Employees' Benefits What are our communications with terminated employees and are there adminis= trative obstacles impacting them as the note below would indicate? If th= ere is a backlog of info regarding employee status, I will be happy to key = punch to get caught up. I am trainable and very willing!!! --Sally=20 -----Original Message----- From: =09Dinari, Sabra L. =20 Sent:=09Wednesday, January 02, 2002 1:17 PM To:=09Dietrich, Janet; Oxley, David; Beck, Sally; Hall, Bob M; Olson, Cindy= ; Kitchen, Louise Subject:=09Terminated Employees' Benefits Happy New Year all, I have been with Enron for over 16 years and I have made some very good fri= ends during my time here and right now I am feeling their pain and panic. = I talk to several of my terminated friends (and sister) each week and get u= pdates from them on what is going on outside of Enron. I just want to do w= hatever I can to help them get through these hard times, this is the reason= for my weekly reminders to you all who have the power to do something for = them. I passed on the phone numbers for Towers Perrin and other numbers that they= need to get their money from the Cash Balance Plan or to find out more abo= ut the COBRA benefits, etc. but there is a major stumbling block in their w= ay right now. They keep being told that no one can do anything for them, n= ot even send them the necessary forms to get the ball rolling on these bene= fits, because Enron has not changed their status from active to terminated = (or inactive). How can it possibly take a month to get this status changed= ? Please realize that a lot of these people have nothing: no paycheck com= ing in, no unemployment checks YET, no retirement, no cash balance money, n= o medical benefits....they are feeling scared and panicked....PLEASE lets d= o something to help them. I have no clue what all it takes to get 4,500+ e= mployees status changed but surely it cannot take a month to accomplish thi= s. Whomever is in charge of getting this done, are we sure they have a sen= se of urgency about the situation? People could lose their homes, cars, et= c. while they are waiting on all this red tape....this is very important. Please advise. Sabra Dinari