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Look at the length of this meeting
-----Original Message----- From: =09Williamson, Joannie =20 Sent:=09Thursday, September 27, 2001 12:21 PM To:=09Allen, Phillip K.; Beck, Sally; Belden, Tim; Blachman, Jeremy; Bowen = Jr., Raymond; Brown, Michael - COO London; Butts, Bob; Buy, Rick; Calger, C= hristopher F.; Causey, Richard; Cline, Wade; Colwell, Wes; Cordes, Bill; Co= x, David; Deffner, Joseph; Delainey, David; Derrick Jr., James; Detmering, = Timothy J.; Dietrich, Janet; Dimichele, Rich; Dodson, Keith; Donahue, Jeff;= Duran, W. David; Dyson, Fernley; Estrems, Connie; Fallon, Jim; Farmer, Mic= hael; Fastow, Andrew; Frank Bay; Frevert, Mark; Garland, Kevin; Gillis, Joh= n; Glisan, Ben; Gold, Joe; Haedicke, Mark E.; Hayes, Robert; Hayslett, Rod;= Hermann, Robert; Hickerson, Gary; Horton, Stanley; Hughes, James A.; Hutch= inson, Michael; Jackson, Charlene; Joseph Earle; Kaminski, Vince J; Kean, S= teven J.; Kishkill, Joe; Kitchen, Louise; Koenig, Mark; Lavorato, John; Lay= , Kenneth; Leff, Dan; Lewis, Richard; Lindholm, Tod A.; Lowry, Phil; McCart= y, Danny; Mcclellan, George; Mcconnell, Mike; McDonald, Rebecca; McMahon, J= effrey; Metts, Mark; Milnthorp, Rob; Mordaunt, Kristina; Muller, Mark; Murr= ay, Julia; Olson, Cindy; Piper, Greg; Prentice, Jim; Redmond, Brian; Rieker= , Paula; Scott Gahn; Scrimshaw, Matthew; Shankman, Jeffrey A.; Shapiro, Ric= hard; Sharp, Vicki; Shelby, Rex; Sherrick, Jeffrey; Sherriff, John; Stabler= , Frank; Sullivan, Colleen; Taylor, Mitch; Tilney, Elizabeth; Umanoff, Adam= ; Walls Jr., Rob; Wasaff, George; Whalley, Greg Cc:=09Adams, Jennifer; Adams, Rachael; Alder, Amelia; Alvarez, Gloria; Ange= los, Megan; Armstrong, Julie; Bates, Kimberly; Benner, Martha; Boling, Rosa= rio; Bourgeois-Galloway, Hilda; Braden, Erica; Brelsford, Loretta; Brown, R= uth Ann; Campos, Kathy; Cappelletto, Nella; Carroll, Lillian; Collett, Cris= sy; Crenshaw, Shirley; Cromwell, Sheri L.; Davidson, Binky; Davidson, Debra= ; Dernehl, Ginger; Dick, Sharon; Dodgen, Kathy; Dorsey, Joyce; Fallon, Susa= n; Fisher, Dolores; Foot, Debbie; George, Carolyn; Gray, Dortha; Gustafson,= Mollie; Hawkins, Linda; Hicks, Debra; Hinojosa, Esmeralda; Hogan, Janice; = Holst, Lila; Hooks, Barbara; Kovalcik, Tammy; Kuehl, Cheryl; Lewelling, San= dy; McCormack, Tracie; Mendez, Yorleni; Moody, Bobbie; Pradhan, Beena; Rang= el, Ina; Rode, Tina; Santos, Edineth; Scott, Nicole; Slade, Nikki; Spiller,= Tina; Telles, Lorraine; Tijerina, Shirley; Valdez, Christina; Zoch, Judy; = Blackwood, Connie; Burns, Jennifer; Chapman, Kay; Dauterive, Inez; Daw, Nic= ki; Elbertson, Janette; Ferrari, Kerry; Fleming, Rosalee; Ford, Sue; Harris= , Stephanie J; Heathman, Karen K.; Hillis, Kimberly; Maronge, Bridget; Mars= hall, Lucy; McVicker, Maureen; Phillips, Cathy; Rapacioli, Marisa; Schiller= , Marsha; Schoppe, Tammie; Stark, Cindy; Taylor, Liz M.; Tori Wells; Valenc= ia, Laura; Westbrook, Sharron; Williamson, Joannie Subject:=09Managing Directors Meeting - Monday, October 22, 2001 I apologize if there has been any confusion regarding this meeting. It was= originally scheduled for October 1, then moved to October 2, then moved ag= ain to October 22.=20 Please confirm your attendance via e-mail. An agenda will be provided prio= r to the meeting. Managing Director Meeting Date:=09=09Monday, October 22 Time:=09=098:30 - Noon (Central) Location:=09Hyatt Regency - Houston Please call if you have any questions. Thanks, Joannie 3-1769