Enron Mail

Subject:RE: A few questions for you
Date:Sun, 3 Feb 2002 18:05:51 -0800 (PST)

1. Front Office - We had several I have no idea whether we brought any of them with us as they were never used.
Back Office - Global Counterparty Database.

2. We are planning a seminar for Thursday pm already - credit are sending me their presentation (hopefully tomorrow), I think its a great idea but I would like to see it first so we can decide on the audience.

3. Thanks

4. Great idea.

5. See you tomorrow.



-----Original Message-----
From: colette.dow@ubsw.com@ENRON
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 8:04 PM
To: Kitchen, Louise
Subject: A few questions for you
Importance: High

Hi Louise

Hope all is well and that your trip to and from London went smoothly!

A few questions:
1. Does Enron have a system which collects data by customer? We
have something called CMIS which we use for these purposes and which I
believe we will need to integrate into the infrastructure if you don't
have something already. We usually need customer info for reg
reporting purposes.

2. Bob Dinerstein believes it would be prudent to have a seminar of
sorts whereat the heads of Gas and Power Trading present to key UBSW
people what their businesses are all about, example trade flows,
competitive pressures, key reg reporting requirements, etc. He would
also anticipate having our outside counsel participate to discuss what
they understand to be the developing regulations in these markets. The
thought is to try and do this on Thursday because so many UBSW people
will be on the ground in Houston for the simulation exercise. I don't
know that I am wedded to that day and I am a bit unsure about whether
this makes sense given it may interfere with progress on integration
but this day may work since alot of people will already be there and I
am sure the traders will not be interested in doing anything like this
once they start trading. What do you think?

The audience would include key logistics personnel from UBSW and Enron
and anyone else you thought appropriate. Spoke with Mike about it and
he is fine.

3. Having UBSW paraphenalia sent down - toys, shirts, etc., should
be arriving by no later than Tuesday. If you haven't received anything
by late on Monday could you let me know so I can track down. UBSW and
UBSW Energy banners are being made to hang from the ceiling on both
trading floors - they should arrive by Wed.

4. Was thinking perhaps we should have a celebration on the floor
on Friday to commemorate the closing. What do you think?

5. I am planning to be down in Houston for most of next week. I
thought it would be helpful to be on site in order to be available to
address issues as they arise in order to meet closing on Friday. I
will be leaving on a late Monday flight and returning on a late
afternoon Friday flight. I hope you think this will be useful. Please
let me know otherwise.

Sorry for the long message. Please feel free to call me at home or on
my cell if you have any questions, issues, would like to discuss H 914
764 4597 C 917 523 6132.


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