Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Anybody Interested in going to the Theatre
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 12:26:24 -0800 (PST)

yea i didn't think so. I figure I will seize the opportunity before our
little one arrives. The weekend that it is playing there doesn't work out
for us, otherwise we would have done it then.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kuykendall, Tori [mailto:Tori.Kuykendall@ENRON.com]
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 2:16 PM
To: Jennifer_Lamprecht@oxy.com
Subject: RE: Anybody Interested in going to the Theatre

i probably cant find a baby sitter that late on a thursday

-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer_Lamprecht@oxy.com [mailto:Jennifer_Lamprecht@oxy.com]
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 1:03 PM
To: drrichardson@cmsenergy.com; ELamprecht@encompserv.com;
chrisgales@houston.rr.com; Susan.Hadix@elpaso.com; Pam_Macaul@bmc.com;
tkuyken@enron.com; richardsonk@epenergy.com; pkuykendall@wm.com
Subject: Anybody Interested in going to the Theatre

Ed and I are getting tickets to Tuna Christmas and wanted to know if any
you were interested in going with us. Here is the scoop:

Date: Thursday Dec. 13th 8pm

Where: Galveston, The Opera House. I know it won't be a fun drive
but the show is not coming to Houston this year.

Ticket Price: $36 or less. We are getting the 36 tickets as I want good
seats on the first level. However, we may not all be able to sit

I thought it would be fun to leave Houston a little early on Thursday,
by 430ish and drive to Galveston for dinner somewhere and then go to the

Let me know if you are interested in going, I plan on getting our
tickets by


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