Enron Mail

To:alannou@enron.com, ahiggins@reliantenergy.com, bahpar@aol.com,bbirk@metalsusa.com, b_brigges@br-inc.com, bretj@woodwardmarketing.com, chis.gales@compaq.com, cyndy.dobbins@southernenergy.com, richadr@texaco.com, david_garza@oxy.com, dawn_jankowski@ox
Subject:New Address and Phone Number
Date:Mon, 19 Mar 2001 05:34:00 -0800 (PST)

Tennessee Gas Pipeline Transportation Services is moving to 9 Greenway Plaza
(Houston, TX 77046) this week. My new phone number effective Thursday,
March 22nd will be 832/676-2609. Wednesday, March 21st I will be in the
office until 10am, after I can be reached via pager 713/508-0525.


Susan A. Hadix, Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.
713/508-0525 pager
713/420-7042 fax

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