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We all check our credit card statements for <BR<inaccuracies and we should do the same for our credit <BR<history. <br<<a href="http://by.advertising.com/1/c/71184/21017/1/126466?fid=100290011268121&orig=IYE"< Click here now to check yours FOR FREE at ConsumerInfo.Com! </a< <br< <br< <br< <br< </p< <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"< <tr< <td width="8%"<<img src="http://www.inyouremail.com/ezine_media/miscellaneous/green.gif" width="29" height="22"<</td< <td width="92%"< <div align="center"<<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"<<b<WELCOME!!!</b<</font<</div< </td< </tr< <tr< <td width="8%" height="220"< </td< <td width="92%" height="220"<<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"<Welcome to the first installment of The Morpheus Minute, the not-so-weekly newsletter brought to you by software makers, StreamCast Networks! As a Morpheus software user, you've helped shape the LARGEST p2p community in the world, a community completely created and sustained by you and folks like you, all over the globe. </font< <p<<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"<With The Morpheus Minute, you'll receive insider tips on new product features, answers to your most pressing technology questions, and much more! You'll even have opportunities to cash in on some great contests and deals! So, let's get going!</font<</p< <p< </p< <p<</p< </td< </tr< <tr< <td width="8%"<<img src="http://www.inyouremail.com/ezine_media/miscellaneous/green.gif" width="29" height="22"<</td< <td width="92%"< <div align="center"<<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"<<b<ANNOUNCING MORPHEUS 2.0!</b<</font<</div< </td< </tr< <tr< <td width="8%" height="136"< </td< <td width="92%" height="136" valign="top"< <p<<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"<Keep your eyes peeled and your ears to the ground, Morpheus 2.0 (M<font size="-2"<2</font<) will be launching soon! The StreamCast Networks Tech Gurus have been working diligently to develop a new feature set to give you the best p2p user-experience possible. <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"<M<font size="-2"<2</font<</font<<font size="-2"<</font< features include XP compatibility and links to the Gnutella network, further enhancing your ability to connect and communicate with millions of people all over the world. Stay tuned for more details!</font<</p< </td< </tr< <tr< <td width="8%"<<img src="http://www.inyouremail.com/ezine_media/miscellaneous/red.gif" width="29" height="22"<</td< <td width="92%"< <div align="center"<<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"<<b<Shop Til Ya Drop!</b<</font<</div< </td< </tr< <tr< <td width="8%" height="218"< </td< <td width="92%" height="218" valign="top"<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<Did the Holiday's sneak up on you again this year? Need a present quick? Send an eGift™ and relax.... </font< <p<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<StreamCast has teamed up with CatalogCity to help you get organized lickety split! With CatalogCity's eGift™ service you can send last minute gifts with lightening speed!! Are you shopping for a finicky friend? Are you unsure about sizes or favorite colors? Resolve all of these problems and more with eGift™! Best of all, your gift announcement arrives in minutes, so it's never too late!</font<</p< <p<<font face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif" size="2"<<a href=""<Visit CatalogCity today!!</a<</font<</p< </td< </tr< <tr< <td width="8%"<<img src="http://www.inyouremail.com/ezine_media/miscellaneous/blue.jpg " width="29" height="22"<</td< <td width="92%"< <div align="center"<<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"<<b<Ask D.C. Flash!</b<</font<</div< </td< </tr< <tr< <td width="8%"< </td< <td width="92%"<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<D.C. wants to know what's on your mind! Can't find your password? Questions about compatibility? Need to know what shoes to wear with your orange cords? D.C. might not be able to answer that last one, but everything related to Morpheus and peer-to-peer technology is fair game! </font< <p<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"< 1) When are you going to release a MAC version?</font< </p< <blockquote< <p<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<We plan to have a MAC compatible version in spring of 2002. Thanks for your patience.</font<</p< </blockquote< <p<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<2) I lost my password, what should I do?<br< </font<</p< <blockquote< <p<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<All users who lose their passwords will be flogged repeatedly! No, no, just kidding. If you lose your password, simply register as a new user and enter a new, unique username and password. Next time, we flog you.</font<</p< </blockquote< <p<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<3) After I connect and run a search, I find results, but when I try to download, I receive a message that says "more sources needed." What should I do?<br< </font<</p< <blockquote< <p<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<Right click on the download and then select "search for more sources." This still might not find the download that your are looking for, but if it does not, D.C. Flash says, "Search Again!"</font<</p< </blockquote< <p<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<4) How can I talk directly with another user on-line?<br< </font<</p< <blockquote< <p<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<There are several ways to communicate with other users. After completing a search, right click on the user's name you would like to contact, and send them a Morpheus Message. You can also use the chat feature, which is accessible through the navigation bar on the left side of the Morpheus client. Soon, with M<font size="-2"<2</font< you'll be able to contact other users with best-of-breed instant messaging services!!</font<</p< </blockquote< <p< </p< <p align="center"<<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"<<b<<font color="#3333FF"<Get FREE ringtones for your Nokia cell phone!! Zingy, a free service that allows you to download thousands of free ringtones and logos for your Nokia cellular phone. Limited time only offer! Get them while they are free!</font<</b<<br< <a href="http://by.advertising.com/1/c/72539/39666/1/1"<Click here</a<</font<</p< <p align="center"< </p< </td< </tr< <tr< <td width="8%"<<img src="http://www.inyouremail.com/ezine_media/miscellaneous/blue.gif" width="29" height="22"<</td< <td width="92%"<<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"<<b<Sleuth, Scoop and Set It Off!</b<</font<</td< </tr< <tr< <td width="8%"< </td< <td width="92%"<<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"<Hey newsmongers! Do you want to be the next Big Talking Head or Super News Columnist? Now you have the chance! Rarely does the Little Guy have the opportunity to raise his voice, but with Morpheus software, YOU have the power to change that. Write articles, produce video magazines, or record audio news files, it's up to you! When you're done crafting your report, place your media in your shared files folder. With Morpheus, you can--Be the Media!</font<</td< </tr< <tr< <td width="8%"< </td< <td width="92%"< <p< </p< <p< </p< <p align="center"<Be your own Boss and Work from Home. <BR<Click here to get FREE Information on <BR<how you can make up to $4000 per Week!! <br<<a href="http://by.advertising.com/1/c/71184/39162/2/126466?fid=100290011268121&orig=IYE"< Click Here! </a< </p< <p< </p< <p<<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"<<a href="http://www.musiccity.com/newslettercontact.htm"<ADVERTISE WITH US!! </a< </font<</p< <p<<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"<<a href="http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright"<SHARE RESPONSIBLY</a<<br< <br< <br< <a href="http://morpheus.inyouremail.com/mc/unsubscribe.jsp?"<UNSUBSCRIBE</a<</font<</p< </td< </tr< </table< <!-- End Content --< </td< <td<<img src="http://www.inyouremail.com/ezine_media/miscellaneous/spacer1.gif " width="1" height="141" border="0"<</td< </tr< <tr< <td colspan="3"<<img name="MSC_2391_r6_c3" src="http://www.inyouremail.com/ezine_media/miscellaneous/r6c3.gif" width="20" height="2064" border="0"<</td< <td<<img src="http://www.inyouremail.com/ezine_media/miscellaneous/spacer1.gif " width="1" height="675" border="0"<</td< </tr< </table< </body< </html<