Enron Mail

To:'hadix@enron.com, susan.hadix@elpaso.com, drrichardson@cmsenergy.com,jennifer_lamprecht@oxy.com, pam_macaul@bmc.com, tkuyken@enron.com
Subject:RE: Monthly Girls Night Dinner
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 08:53:25 -0700 (PDT)

works here

-----Original Message-----
From: Hadix, Susan [mailto:Susan.Hadix@ElPaso.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 10:17 AM
To: Dana Richardson (E-mail 2); Jennifer Lamprecht (E-mail); Pam Macaul
(E-mail); Tori Kuykendall (E-mail)
Subject: Monthly Girls Night Dinner

Jennifer mentioned we should all do dinner together once a month. I think
it's a great idea and would like to commit to the next date. How about you?
I was looking at Wednesday, November 14th. This is definitely open to


Susan A. Hadix, Senior Volume Analyst
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.
832/676-6955 phone
713/508-0525 pager
832/676-1898 fax
832/676-4999 after hours

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