Enron Mail |
Put all these dates on my calander.
---------------------- Forwarded by John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron on 07/12/200= 0=20 09:48 AM --------------------------- =20 =09 =09 =09From: Celeste Roberts 07/11/2000 06:09 PM =09 Sent by: Enron Announcements To: All Enron Employees North America cc: =20 Subject: Associate/Analyst Fall Recruiting Enron Managers, Directors, Vice Presidents and Managing Directors Who Utili= ze=20 the Associate/Analyst Pool The Associate and Analyst Department has finalized fall recruiting dates. = An=20 important part of our recruiting effort is the final round of interviews=20 which are conducted here in the Enron Building on selected weekends during= =20 October, November and December. These are the famous =01&Super Saturdays= =018. =20 We invite you to attend and participate in this process. We will need=20 approximately 50-75 volunteers for each Super Saturday to participate eith= er=20 in the dinners on Friday night or in the interview process on Saturday. Mo= re=20 information will be made available as we get closer to these dates. Please= =20 mark your calendars for the following Super Saturday weekends and=01(. SAVE THESE DATES October 28-29, 2000 November 3-4, 2000 November 10-11, 2000 November 17-18, 2000 December 1-2, 2000 December 9-10, 2000