Enron Mail |
I think Shankman wants me to go to this. If this is true please put it on my
schedule. ---------------------- Forwarded by John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron on 08/04/2000 12:50 PM --------------------------- From: Jeffrey A Shankman @ ECT 08/03/2000 10:09 AM To: John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: August 10th, NYMEX NG Advisory Committee Meeting. FYI Jeff ---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 08/03/2000 10:04 AM --------------------------- Candice Levine <CLevine@nymex.com< on 07/27/2000 12:54:02 PM To: sailrjman@aol.com, tcostantino@unocal.com, aiko4926@aol.com, armitchell@duke-energy.com, peterr@cus.cul.ca, jrbowden@marathonoil.com, richarddaniel@aec.ca, cdaverio@keyspanenergy.com, ddickson@avistaenergy.com, edwark@phibro.com, tp2mce@pacent.com, michael.flinn@et.pge.com, edmundg@edfman.com, fgallipoli@sempratrading.com, charden@energy.twc.com, ashill@worldnet.att.net, clifff_howe@transcanada.com, marianne.hughes@costalcorp.com, matthew.hurley@engageenergy.com, teddy.g.jones@usa.conoco.com, glyons@tractebelusa.com, smoore@westerngas.com, gary.morches@southernenergy.com, togrady@utilicorp.com, plattdl@sabnet.com, reasorm@bp.com, riewertsh@nabisco.com, gerard.a.sanfilippo@ssmb.com, mksc@dynegy.com, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, shelt@ms.com, mstimson@reliantenergy.com, therrelm@kochind.com, ejvanderwalde@aep.com, collinsb2@epenergy.com cc: Subject: August 10th, NYMEX NG Advisory Committee Meeting. The Natural Gas Advisory Committee will convene a meeting on August 10th at the NYMEX Houston and New York offices -- 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM respectively. The topics for discussion include: eNYMEX product development, TAS program review, and Sabine rate discounts. If you have topics to add to the discussion please contact Brad Leach at 212-299-2609 or Candice Levine at 212-299-2615. Likewise, if you are not able to attend please supply us with the name of your firm's alternate representative. Thank you in advance for your continued work to improve the Natural Gas Futures Contract. We look forward to an informative and productive discussion in August.