Enron Mail

To:tmachej@arcfinancial.com, sheila_kelly@cdnoxy.com, s.goritz@home.com,rulrich@shl.com, stewart4c@hotmail.com, smedia@telusplanet.net, rpm@merchant.ca, gaulp@cadvision.com, bergmann@telusplanet.net, patricia_szmolyan@scotia-mcleod.com, mfazil@globalsec.
Date:Fri, 21 Jan 2000 08:23:00 -0800 (PST)

Its really hard to tell how well we are doing with fundraising so far this
year. Kelly Trout tells me there is about $90,000.00 in the bank. In
addition, she has been told of a $10,000.00 donation and that other companies
will be donating, although the exact amount is uncertain. From my phone
calls, it looks like there may be $20,000.00 -$40,000.00 out there that has
not been received by Kelly. I really hope that I am not being overly
optimistic though.

Last year, I think we had about $140,000.00 in the bank on the night of the
party and thought that we would raise a total of $150,000. Somehow, after
all of the donations came in, we received $165,000.00 in donations. So, it
may be that if I am estimating things correctly, we are on track.

If I am being overly optimistic, however, we have a lot of work to do.
Please ensure that you follow-up on letters and make some last minute cold
calls. Its not too late.

I'm attaching a list of donors from the last 2 years. The lists show names
of donors who we have not yet received donations from this year, at least not
to my knowledge. Beside the donors are the names of the deputies who
obtained the donations. If your name is beside a company, please call the
company to find out if they will match last year's donation (or exceed it),
you may be surprised, they may have budgeted for this donation! Also, even
if your name is not beside a company, call these companies if you know people
there. The more phone calls, the more likely it is that we receive a

Please keep up the hard work. We want to meet our target!!!!

Also, email Kelly Trout at Kelly_Trout@Scotia-Mcleod.com any names of donors
who have confirmed that they will donate, plus the anticipated amount of the
donation. We want to be able to know by Monday how close we are to our
target -- so your communication with Kelly if important.

Thanks to everybody who is working so hard, but keep pushing yourself to get
those extra donations.


PS I just rented my costume on Thursday!!! It got me pretty hyped about the
party as I stood there trying on dresses and mile high white wigs!!!
- att1.htm
- 02donors.doc