Enron Mail

To:jordan.mintz@enron.com, morris.clark@enron.com, juanita.ruffeno@enron.com,laura.scott@enron.com, joseph.deffner@enron.com, luitgard.fischer@enron.com, peter.keohane@enron.com, geri.greenall@enron.com
Date:Sun, 12 Dec 1999 03:33:00 -0800 (PST)

I am working with CIBC on another credit mitigation deal. They are
interested but they have said nothing yet on pricing levels. I am sending
them something on Monday that will propose a Enron payment on Friday December
17th of approximately $16 MM CAD. Again, this payment would come from the
U.S. office so if there are any administrative things that need to get done I
suggest we get on it quickly. I assume Juanita needs to deal with funding
and Louie needs to secure a letter from CIBC re credit mitigation. I'm in
Houston part of the week but you can track me done through my secretary.


John Lavorato