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Subject:Hot New Releases, Upcoming DVDs, and Advance Holiday Shopping in
Date:Wed, 7 Nov 2001 17:46:24 -0800 (PST)

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Amazon.com Delivers Action DVD [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Action DVD [I=
MAGE] [IMAGE] Editor, Mark Englehart [IMAGE] November 7, 2001 Sear=
ch: DVDVHSIn TheatersAll Products Browse: Action DVD All genres:Action=
& AdventureAfrican American CinemaAnime & MangaArt House & Internation=
alClassicsComedyCult MoviesDocumentaryDramaGay & LesbianHorrorKids & Fam=
ilyMilitary & WarMusicals & Performing ArtsMusic Video & ConcertsMystery=
& SuspenseScience Fiction & FantasySpecial InterestsSportsTelevisionWes=
terns-------------------------Boxed SetsVHS Store =09
[IMAGE] As the holiday season approaches, we're here to help you decide=
what to give your friends and family--specifically, the DVDs that really =
knock your socks off! Our action DVD picks are fantastic for showing off D=
VD players to their best advantage, so peruse this Delivers and get some i=
deas going for your holiday shopping. And as always, tell us about the gre=
at action movies you want on DVD, and any suggestions you have for this ma=
iling, at action-dvd-comments@amazon.com . --Mark [IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE] Word for Word [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Crouching Tiger, Hidden Drag=
on Icon Yun-Fat Chow, Michelle Yeoh, et al. "Who am I? I am... I am th=
e Invincible Sword Goddess, armed with the incredible Green Destiny. Be yo=
u Li or Southern Crane, lower your head and ask for mercy. I am the desert=
dragon. I leave no trace. Today I fly over Eu-Mei. Tomorrow... I'll kick =
over Wudan Mountain!" --Jen (Zhang Ziyi), the young heroine of Ang Lee's=
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon , one of our favorite DVD releases of 20=
01. See our entire list of action DVD Editors' Picks for 2001 . [IMAGE=
] Rated: PG-13 "< <br< <br< <b< Our Price: <font color=3D#990000<$20.99<=
/font< <nobr< You Save: <font color=3D#990000<$6.97 (25%)</font< </nob=
r< </b< <form method=3D [IMAGE] Holiday Ideas [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] Find even more great presents in our two holiday stores: Gift=
Ideas in DVD and Gift Ideas in Video . [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The holiday=
season is lurking just around the corner. Start your shopping early by che=
cking out our list of all-time favorite action DVDs . [IMAGE]Find the=
perfect action DVD gift [IMAGE] New Releases for Sale [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within (Special Edition) Icon Alec=
Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, et al. Earth is a desolate wasteland in Final Fan=
tasy: The Spirits Within. Humanity has been decimated by an invasion of Pha=
ntoms, insubstantial aliens that extract and devour the spirits of living t=
hings. The beautiful Dr. Aki Ross (voiced by Ming-Na) and her mentor Dr. Si=
d (Donald Sutherland) have discovered that the energy signatures of eight k=
ey Earth spirits can cancel out and destroy the Phantoms. With the help of =
Captain Edwards (Alec Baldwin) and his band of marines, they scour the glob=
e for the last two remaining spirits before General Hein (James Woods) mani=
pulates the refugee government into attacking the aliens with an orbital la=
ser that may also destroy the Earth. Completely computer generated, The Spi=
rits Within is a serious science fiction drama with astonishingly human dig=
ital actors. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Rated: PG-13 "< <br< <br< <b=
< Our Price: <font color=3D#990000<$22.49</font< <nobr< You Save: <font=
color=3D#990000<$7.46 (25%)</font< </nobr< </b< <form method=3D St=
ar Trek - The Motion Picture Icon Shatner, Nimoy, et al. Back when the=
first Star Trek feature was released in December 1979, the Trek franchise=
was still relatively modest, consisting of the original TV series and an =
animated cartoon series from 1973-74. Series creator Gene Roddenberry conc=
eived a second TV series, but after the success of Star Wars the project w=
as upgraded into this lavish feature film, which reunited the original ser=
ies cast aboard a beautifully redesigned starship U.S.S. Enterprise. Dougl=
as Trumbull's visual effects are astonishing, and Jerry Goldsmith's score =
is regarded as one of the prolific composer's best. This three-disc set in=
cludes the newly restored director's edition of the feature film. [IMAG=
E] [IMAGE]Read more Rated: PG Our Price: $22.49 You Save: $7.50=
(25%) Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Icon Angelina Jolie, et al. =
The curvaceous Angelina Jolie, sporting a British accent and action-hero at=
titude to burn, is relic hunter Lara Croft in this adaptation of the famed=
video game that takes Croft's computer adventures and splashes them on th=
e screen in a rousing, thoroughly enjoyable manner. Simon West's film is a=
mbitious in scope and scale, and filled with the kind of globetrotting adv=
enture that could make Jolie the best thing that's happened to action movi=
es since Indiana Jones. Releases November 13. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read mo=
re Rated: PG-13 "< <br< <br< <b< Our Price: <font color=3D#990000<$22.4=
9</font< <nobr< You Save: <font color=3D#990000<$7.50 (25%)</font< </n=
obr< </b< <form method=3D Midway (Collector's Edition) Icon Char=
lton Heston, Henry Fonda, et al. Six months after the Japanese destroyed t=
he U.S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, the Americans discovered they were p=
lanning to seize the naval base at Midway Island. Outnumbered four to one, =
the Americans won a surprise victory and shattered the backbone of the Japa=
nese Imperial Navy. World War II buffs will appreciate this 1976 film for i=
ts attention to historical fact (especially the way in which fate and a few=
bad decisions turned the tide), as well as the generous use of actual batt=
le footage. The all-star cast includes Robert Mitchum, James Coburn, and Cl=
iff Robertson. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Rated: PG Our Price: $18.7=
4 You Save: $6.24 (25%) Empire of the Sun Icon Christian =
Bale, John Malkovich, et al. This underrated Steven Spielberg film poignan=
tly follows the World War II adventures of young Jim (a brilliant Christian=
Bale), caught in the throes of the fall of China. Bale's transformation, f=
rom pampered British ruling-class child to an imprisoned, desperate, nearly=
feral boy, is nothing short of stunning. Also incredible are exceptional s=
ets, cinematography, and music (the last courtesy of John Williams) that en=
hance author J.G. Ballard's and screenwriter Tom Stoppard's depiction of an=
other, less familiar casualty of war. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Rated=
: PG Our Price: $18.74 You Save: $6.24 (25%) [IMAGE] More Ho=
t New Releases [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Swordfish Star Wars: Episode I=
, The Phantom Menace Guadalcanal Diary The Longest Day The New Legend of=
Shaolin Replicant A Knight's Tale [IMAGE]See more recent action re=
leases [IMAGE] Action Top Sellers [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The Fifth El=
ement (Superbit Collection) Icon Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, et al. Anc=
ient curses, all-powerful monsters, shape-changing assassins, scantily clad=
stewardesses, laser battles, huge explosions, a perfect woman, a malconten=
t hero--what more can you ask of a big-budget action movie? Luc Besson's hi=
gh-octane film incorporates presidents, rock stars, and cab drivers into it=
s peculiar plot, traversing worlds and encountering some pretty wild aliens=
. Bruce Willis stars as a down-and-out cabbie who must win the love of Leel=
oo (Milla Jovovich) to save Earth from destruction by Jean-Baptiste Emmanue=
l Zorg (Gary Oldman) and a dark, unearthly force that makes Darth Vader loo=
k like an Ewok. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Rated: PG-13 "< <br< <br=
< <b< Our Price: <font color=3D#990000<$20.97</font< <nobr< You Save: <=
font color=3D#990000<$6.99 (25%)</font< </nobr< </b< <form method=3D Mo=
re Action Top Sellers: The Mummy Returns (Widescreen Collector's Editi=
on) Rush Hour Terminator 2: Judgment Day (The Ultimate Edition DVD) =
Driven Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Willow [IMAGE]Check out the c=
urrent action top sellers [IMAGE] Featured Bargains of the Month [I=
MAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Go, Russ, Go! [IMAGE] Film star Russell Crowe, =
who has forayed into music as frontman of the six-member 30 Odd Foot of Gr=
unts, is winning over fans of meat-and-potatoes Aussie rock with the 10-son=
g collection Bastard Life or Clarity . [IMAGE] Want some action th=
at will knock your socks off but won't put a major dent in your wallet? Tak=
e a look at these hits, all priced under $20. Whether your tastes run to s=
ci-fi or soul cinema, there's a bargain that's right up your alley: =
X-Men Icon Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, et al. [IMAGE] Rated: =
PG-13 "< <br< <br< <b< Our Price: <font color=3D#990000<$15.99</font< <=
nobr< You Save: <font color=3D#990000<$3.99 (20%)</font< </nobr< </b< <for=
m method=3D Heat Icon Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, et al. [IMAGE=
] Rated: R Not for sale to persons under age 18. Our Price: $15.99 =
You Save: $3.99 (20%) The Big Red One Icon Lee Marvin, Mark =
Hamill, et al. [IMAGE] Rated: PG Our Price: $12.99 You Save: $1.9=
9 (13%) Shaft Icon Richard Roundtree, Moses Gunn, et al. [I=
MAGE] Rated: R Not for sale to persons under age 18. Our Price: $13.48=
You Save: $1.50 (10%) [IMAGE]See more action DVD bargains =
[IMAGE]Visit our DVD Bargain Outlet [IMAGE] Advance Orders (And Gre=
at Holiday Gifts) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Order these titles now, and we'll ship =
them to you as soon as they're released. Psst--these titles also make excel=
lent holiday gifts! Pre-order them now, start relaxing, and let us do the w=
rapping and delivery! Planet of the Apes Icon Mark Wahlberg, Hel=
ena Bonham Carter, et al. Billed as a "reimagining" of the original 1968 f=
ilm, Tim Burton's extraordinary Planet of the Apes constantly borders on gr=
eatness, adhering to the spirit of Pierre Boulle's original novel while exp=
loring fresh and inventive ideas and paying honorable tribute to the '68 sc=
i-fi classic. Burton's gifts for eccentric inspiration and visual ingenuity=
make this a movie that's as entertaining as it is provocative, beginning w=
ith Rick Baker's best-ever ape makeup (hand that man an Oscar
!), and continuing through the surprisingly nuanced performances and breath=
taking production design. Releases November 20. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read m=
ore Rated: PG-13 "< <br< <br< <b< Our Price: <font color=3D#990000<$22.=
95</font< <nobr< You Save: <font color=3D#990000<$7.03 (23%)</font< </=
nobr< </b< <form method=3D Apocalypse Now Redux Icon Marlon Bran=
do, Martin Sheen, et al. In the tradition of such obsessively driven direc=
tors as Erich von Stroheim and Werner Herzog, Francis Ford Coppola approac=
hed the production of Apocalypse Now as if it were his own epic mission in=
to the heart of darkness. On location in the storm-ravaged Philippines, he=
quite literally went mad as the project threatened to devour him in a vor=
tex of creative despair, but from this insanity came one of the greatest f=
ilms ever made. This new version includes extensive footage previously uns=
een; it's been hailed as a masterful revision of an enduring classic. Rele=
ases November 20. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Rated: R Not for sale t=
o persons under age 18. Our Price: $22.49 You Save: $7.50 (25%) =
The Matrix Revisited Icon A fitting supplement to the feature-pa=
cked Matrix DVD, The Matrix Revisited provides a wealth of Matrix arcana, =
delivered by the 1999 blockbuster's principal cast and crew. The main cour=
se in this 163-minute feast is a two-hour documentary covering virtually e=
very aspect of production, with teasing glimpses of fight training on the =
not-yet-released Matrix sequels. Releases November 20. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=
Read more Rated: R Not for sale to persons under age 18. Our Price: =
$14.99 You Save: $4.99 (25%) Pearl Harbor Icon Ben Afflec=
k, Kate Beckinsale, et al. To call Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor a throwback =
to old-time war movies is something of an understatement. Planes glisten, =
water sparkles, trees beckon--and Bay's re-creation of the bombing itself,=
a 30-minute sequence that's tightly choreographed and amazingly photograp=
hed, moves the action movie bar up quite a few notches. Ben Affleck, Kate =
Beckinsale, Josh Hartnett, and a stunning array of pyrotechnics star. Rele=
ases December 4. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Rated: PG-13 "< <br< <br=
< <b< Our Price: <font color=3D#990000<$22.49</font< <nobr< You Save: <=
font color=3D#990000<$7.50 (25%)</font< </nobr< </b< <form method=3D =
Jurassic Park III (Widescreen Collector's Edition) Icon Sam Neill, Wi=
lliam H. Macy, et al. Jurassic Park III is a satisfying popcorn adventure,=
and eight years of advancing computer-generated-image technology give it a=
sharp edge over its predecessors. The movie refines Michael Crichton's ori=
ginal premise, and its dinosaurs are even more realistic, their behavior mo=
re detailed, and their variety--including flying pteranodons and a new vill=
ain, the spinosaurus--more dazzling and threatening than ever. These advanc=
ements justify the sequel, and it's a thrill ride with impressive highlight=
s, adequate doses of wry humor, and an upbeat ending that's corny but appro=
priate. Releases December 11. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Rated: PG-13=
"< <br< <br< <b< Our Price: <font color=3D#990000<$20.24</font< <nobr<=
You Save: <font color=3D#990000<$6.74 (25%)</font< </nobr< </b< <form met=
hod=3D Rush Hour 2 Icon Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, et al. Rush =
Hour 2 retains the appeal of its popular predecessor. The action--and ther=
e's plenty of it--starts in Hong Kong, where Detective Lee (Chan) and his L=
.A. counterpart Detective Carter (Tucker) are attempting a vacation, only =
to get assigned to sleuth a counterfeiting scheme involving a Triad kingp=
in, his lethal henchwoman, and an American billionaire. And when the action=
moves to Las Vegas, the movie goes into high-pitched hyperdrive, riding a=
n easy wave of ambitious stunt work and broad humor. Releases December 11.=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE]Read more Rated: PG-13 "< <br< <br< <b< Our Price:=
<font color=3D#990000<$20.24</font< <nobr< You Save: <font color=3D#99=
0000<$6.74 (25%)</font< </nobr< </b< <form method=3D [IMAGE] Used & =
Collectible DVDs [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Gotta have the hottest titles, =
but worried about your budget? Check out Amazon.com's Rare & Used DVD Stor=
e , where you can find the most popular used action DVDs . Used DVDs are a=
vailable in limited quantities, but check back often: more DVDs are always =
being added! Here's what's currently new in used: Gladiator Starship Tr=
oopers The Tailor of Panama U-571 Platoon [IMAGE] Amazon.com In T=
heaters [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The weekend is approaching; plans are bei=
ng made. Everyone can agree on going to the movies, but what's playing and =
where? Introducing Amazon.com In Theaters , a new service that fills you i=
n on the hottest films just opening and what's currently playing in your lo=
cal theaters. Sign up now for Amazon.com's Weekly Movie Showtimes E-mail, a=
nd every Thursday we'll deliver--right to your inbox--a complete listing of=
the showtimes and locations of the movies playing in your area. You can al=
so visit us at www.amazon.com/intheaters to find showtimes, check out wha=
t's topping the box office, write a film review, see what other customer cr=
itics have to say, and more. See you at the movies! [IMAGE]Visit Amazon.=
com In Theaters [IMAGE] Our Editors Suggest... [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Two=
New DVD & Video Delivers [IMAGE] C'mon, get up and get moving! For some f=
olks that means kickboxing to the latest exercise video or stretching every=
muscle with the trendiest yoga DVD. But others only really shake it when w=
atching the hottest music video. So to satisfy all of you who want to groov=
e it up a bit, we've added two more e-mail newsletters: Music Video & Conce=
rts DVD and Fitness and Yoga VHS & DVD. Sign up for these and other Amazon=
.com DVD & Video Delivers . =09
[IMAGE] Find, Buy, Give, Relax [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Great Gifts f=
or Everyone [IMAGE] Looking for the right gift? Visit our Gifts store a=
nd you'll find perfect presents, from stocking stuffers to fresh flowers=
, for everyone on your list. Shop by price , by age , even by gender ! =
[IMAGE]See more great gift ideas [IMAGE] [IMAGE] What's on Your W=
ish List? [IMAGE] Fed up with fruitcake? Just create an Amazon.com Wish=
List . It's the easiest way to let everyone know what you want this year. =
And if you're clueless as to what to get your cousins for the holidays, s=
earch for their Wish Lists , or ask them to create one , so you can find a=
nd send their hearts' desire. [IMAGE]Create your own or find someone else=
's Wish List [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Offers You Can't Refuse [IMAGE] To =
make it easier to spread holiday cheer, we're offering free shipping on s=
elected toys, tools, electronics, and more. Visit our special offers page=
and see more ways to make their seasons brighter without making your walle=
t lighter. [IMAGE]Check out our holiday offers [IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE] We hope you enjoyed re=
ceiving this newsletter. However, if you'd like to unsubscribe, please use =
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isit our store. Copyright 2001 Amazon.com, Inc. All rights reserved. =