Enron Mail

Subject:New Releases@ColumbiaHouse.com
Date:Tue, 23 Oct 2001 15:36:45 -0700 (PDT)

CD is just $9.98 each! details [IMAGE] [IMAGE] expiration: 11/7/01 =09=

[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] Dear Dina, 10.22.01 [IMAGE] Halloween is just around=
the corner - but our great sale prices won?t spook ya! Add the latest by S=
aliva and even more tasty new releases to your musical treat bag. [IMAGE=
] Start Shopping Now [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Saliva Eve=
ry Six Seconds listen[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] "Straight outta Memphis, =
these sons of the Dirty South take nu metal to the next level by fusing Sky=
nyrd-like boogie with Bizkit?s and Korn?s banging. Lap up the hit Your Dise=
ase and the Sabbath-size rapcore of Click Click Boom." =09[IMAGE]=09


=09=09[IMAGE]=09 Stabbing Westward Stabbing Westward [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=
"Industrial-metal moshers mix Alice In Chains with NIN on So Far Away, I=
Remember and The Only Thing." Radiohead O.K. Computer [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] Experience the boldly innovative & futuristic sounds of Paranoid And=
roid and more. Ramones Ramones Remastered [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The de=
but that fired up a punk revolution! Includes 3 bonus cuts plus buzz-saw cl=
assics like Blitzkrieg Bop, Beat On The Brat and Judy Is A Punk. [IMAGE] [=
IMAGE] REO Speedwagon Live (Plus) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] A sonic snapshot=
of the arena legend?s 2000 tour! Features Take It On The Run & Roll With T=
he Changes. Peter Frampton Anthology [IMAGE] [IMAGE] First set t=
o combine solo and Humble Pie hits! Includes Baby I Love Your Way & I Don?t=
Need No Doctor. Eddie Money The Best Of? [IMAGE] [IMAGE] "Cash=
in on the blue-collar rock of Baby Hold On, Two Tickets To Paradise and Ta=
ke Me Home Tonight." [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Missy Misdemeanor Elliott Miss E=
...So Addictive [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Missy and Timbaland assault the charts =
with One Minute Man (with Ludacris) and Get Ur Freak On. Redman Malp=
ractice [IMAGE] [IMAGE] "Features the bonus cut Smash Sumthin' and came=
os by Missy Elliott, Scarface and Method Man." Original Soundtrack D=
r. Dolittle 2 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] "Throw your paws in the air with Lil' Kim=
, Snoop, Fabolous, Product G&B, Wyclef and Busta Rhymes." [IMAGE] =09=09
[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] ArtistAlbumselection# [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Alternative =
Classical Christian Country Dance Gospel Hard/Metal Jaz=
z/Blues Latin Light & Easy New Age/World R? Rap Rock S=
oft Rock/Pop Soundtracks Holiday [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Bestsellers Ba=
rgain Titles Web Extras 50 Music Milestones Deluxe Box Sets Gre=
atest Hits =09=09 [IMAGE] "Gladiator, The Matrix, Meet the Parents, Char=
lie?s Angels, Pay It Forward and many more! Get 4 DVDs for 49 cents each (p=
lus shipping & handling)!" Click here to join our DVD club. "So stop by=
and check out the new ColumbiaHouse.com. From the latest hits to Spotlight=
s on your favorite artists, exclusive sweepstakes and more, it will take yo=
ur membership to a whole new level!" Thanks, [IMAGE] This Columbia Hou=
se New Releases Mail is an exclusive service for Club members. If you wish =
to unsubscribe to this email, click here to update your email preferences =
or reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. You are su=
bscribed as lavorato@enron.com. To ensure that the "unsubscribe process" =
has been completed successfully please allow 2 weeks. We do apologize for a=
ny interim emails that are received while we are updating our records. Th=
ank you for shopping at ColumbiaHouse.com. f9oj3lp2l5aj4cj03g9a Copyri=
ght ? 2001 ColumbiaHouse.com All rights reserved. =09[IMAGE]=09
