Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Interview Results - Need Clarification - Kiron (Canada - IVEY)
Cc:john.lavorato@enron.com, traci.warner@enron.com, dawn.doucet@enron.com
Bcc:john.lavorato@enron.com, traci.warner@enron.com, dawn.doucet@enron.com
Date:Tue, 23 Oct 2001 09:30:03 -0700 (PDT)


Thank you for your note, and again I appreciate your interest in career opportunities with Enron.

As Dawn has described below, we have made the decision to pursue other candidates for the positions we have available in both our Calgary and Houston offices. I thank you for taking time to interview with Enron, and wish you the best of luck as you pursue other alternatives.

Billy Lemmons

-----Original Message-----
From: "Kiron Vaghela" <kvaghela.mba2001@ivey.ca<@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:38 AM
To: Lemmons Jr., Billy
Cc: Lavorato, John
Subject: Fw: Interview Results - Need Clarification - Kiron (Canada - IVEY)

Hi Billy,

If you recall you had sent me an email at the behest
of John Lavorato.
I had met with Jan Wilson here in Toronto last week.
As far as my knowledge goes our meeting went very well.
In fact she went on to indicate that the second rounds would
be held here in Toronto prior to any rounds in the US.
The understanding that I was given both by Traci Warner,
Jan Wilson (Toronto) and Kyle Kitagawa (Calgary) was
that Jan would interview me in Toronto for the Toronto office
and that the procedure for the US would be a parallel process.

Just the day after (Wed) the interview on (Tues) I received an
an email with an ID and a PASSWORD (given below).

Further towards the end of last week someone
from the Houston office (forgot the name - the person
was a woman) called to say that I am being considered
for the Associate Program down in Houston.

Therefore I am a little puzzled to say the least with this
email that I received from Dawn Doucet in Calgary
(attached below).

I had spoken much earlier to Traci Warner in your
absence as per your suggestion. At this juncture I
feel that I should communicate with you DIRECTLY
to get a clear picture of the EXACT situation
with my application.

Please call me at (416) 538 4219 at your convenience.
I do not have your number.


Kiron Vaghela C.A. M.B.A.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nobody" <nobody@ivey.ca<
To: "KIRON VAGHELA" <kvaghela.mba2001@ivey.ca<
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 8:00 PM
Subject: Work At Enron

< Thank you for your interest in Enron.
< Below is your user id and password for jobs.enron.com:
< PASSWORD: 447546
< Please feel free to go back, update your profile and check out additional
job listings.
< If you have any problems with your user id, please contact us at


----- Original Message -----
From: "Doucet, Dawn" <Dawn.Doucet@enron.com<
To: <kvaghela.mba2001@ivey.ca<
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: Interview Results

< Kiron,
< I'm writing to you regarding your meeting with Jan Wilson and your
< interest in employment opportunities with Enron, both in Canada and the
< United States. As you can imagine, we've had an enormous response to
< our fall recruiting campaign in both countries with outstanding
< applicants applying for Analyst & Associate positions, yourself
< included. Jan was very impressed with your qualifications, Kiron,
< however, we have seen other candidates with skill sets better matched to
< our specific needs. I've also spoken with our Houston office and they
< are concentrating their efforts on US candidates and do not foresee an
< opportunity for you in their offices in the U.S.
< I really want to thank you for your interest in Enron! Please direct
< any further inquiries to me, Kiron.
< Regards,
< Dawn Doucet
< Sr. Human Resources Rep.
< Enron Canada Corp.
< 3500, 400 3 Avenue S.W.
< Calgary, Alberta T2P 4H2
< Phone: 403-974-6724
< Fax: 403-974-6985
< email: Dawn.Doucet@enron.com
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