Enron Mail

Subject:RE: P&L Impact of Volumetric True-Up
Cc:kevin.presto@enron.com, don.black@enron.com, tim.belden@enron.com,c..aucoin@enron.com
Bcc:kevin.presto@enron.com, don.black@enron.com, tim.belden@enron.com,c..aucoin@enron.com
Date:Tue, 22 May 2001 06:12:44 -0700 (PDT)

John -

FYI. From what I vave seen thus far I think it will be difficult getting a=
nything accurate or timely out of Evan Hughes' group. This is the group th=
at is responsible for billing and settlements - the weakest link in our rec=
onciliation problems. Unlike ENA Power, Retail has Deal Capture and Risk A=
nalysis under Sally Beck and the Settlements process under EES (Evan Hughes=
). All three of these functions need to work together and feed into Wade S=
tubblefield (Wes Colwell) in order to get an accurate and timely reconcilia=
tion. Dave has wanted to keep Billing and Settlements because of the "Cust=
omer Touch" they want to maintain. I think this approach is delaying our g=
etting control of and resolving the issues that are keeping us from monthly=
reconciliations and cash to actual liquidations. I think EES needs to be =
given an ultimatum to 1) either provide us with a Settlements function that=
allows us to flash and reconcile or 2) get out of the way. We can provide=
them with the bill and they can lick it.


---------------------- Forwarded by Rogers Herndon/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2001 08=
:01 AM ---------------------------

Wade Stubblefield@EES
05/22/2001 07:57 AM
To:=09Rogers Herndon/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject:=09RE: P&L Impact of Volumetric True-Up =20


I'll wait for Mike's response, but these should all be forward volume adjus=
tments as a result of truing up the volumes based on actual data received. =
The past activity difference is captured in our potential flash to actual =
adjustment that we have pegged at a rough $75MM right now. One of the diff=
iculties we have in reconciling flash to actual is the difference in actual=
volumes versus volumes liquidated from the books/batch models. With respe=
ct to how much more exists, this is one of the key items, I think, that the=
Project Phoenix team will want to get from Evan Hughes' group to get the f=
orecasted volumes right. My suspicion is that we need volumetric true-ups =
on many of our deals.

Again, let's verify the above with what Mike's response is.


Rogers Herndon@ECT
05/22/2001 07:43 AM
To:=09Michael Kim/HOU/EES@EES
cc:=09Wade Stubblefield/HOU/EES@EES, John J Lavorato/Enron@EnronXGate, Kevi=
n M Presto/HOU/ECT@ECT=20
Subject:=09RE: P&L Impact of Volumetric True-Up =20

Michael -

Are these changes in the forward volumes (unrealized losses). Can you expl=
ain the reason for these adjustments? How much more exists that we need to=


From:=09John J Lavorato/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/22/2001 07:28 AM
To:=09Rogers Herndon/HOU/ECT@ect
Subject:=09RE: P&L Impact of Volumetric True-Up

20 Million !!!!!! Is this back money or forward money. Why did the volume=
s change so much.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Herndon, Rogers =20
Sent:=09Monday, May 21, 2001 6:53 PM
To:=09Lavorato, John; Presto, Kevin
Subject:=09P&L Impact of Volumetric True-Up


---------------------- Forwarded by Rogers Herndon/HOU/ECT on 05/21/2001 06=
:52 PM ---------------------------

Wade Stubblefield@EES
05/21/2001 05:35 PM
To:=09Rogers Herndon/HOU/ECT@ect
Subject:=09P&L Impact of Volumetric True-Up

---------------------- Forwarded by Wade Stubblefield/HOU/EES on 05/21/2001=
05:35 PM ---------------------------

=09Enron Energy Services From: Michael Kim 05/=
21/2001 03:20 PM Phone No: 713-853-1902=09

To:=09Neil Hong/HOU/EES@EES, Meredith M Eggleston/HOU/EES@EES, Wade Stubble=
field/HOU/EES@EES, Don Black/HOU/EES@EES
Subject:=09P&L Impact of Volumetric True-Up

We have re-priced Suiza, Packaged Ice, and Arch of Chicago with updated vol=
ume information from our billing system. The impact is as follows:


The impact will be recognized on the DPR and G/L, pending Accounting Depart=
ment's "green light."

Thank you.

Best regards,


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