Enron Mail

Subject:RE: VP Candidate for next Executive Committee Meeting - Tuesday May
Date:Wed, 23 May 2001 12:33:50 -0700 (PDT)

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I think he has more years of steel experience than you do of life experience!



-----Original Message-----
From: Lavorato, John
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 1:48 PM
To: McMahon, Jeffrey
Subject: RE: VP Candidate for next Executive Committee Meeting - Tuesday May 29, 2001

I'm definately not going to support you on this.

Just Kidding

-----Original Message-----
From: Ford, Sue On Behalf Of McMahon, Jeffrey
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 1:18 PM
To: Bibi, Philippe A.; Blachman, Jeremy; Bowen Jr., Raymond; Brown, Michael; Buy, Rick; Causey, Richard; Cline, Wade; Cox, David; Delainey, David; Derrick Jr., James; Dietrich, Janet; Elliott, Steve; Fallon, Jim; Fastow, Andrew; Frevert, Mark; Glisan, Ben; Hannon, Kevin; Hayslett, Rod; Horton, Stanley; Hughes, James A.; Kean, Steven; Kitchen, Louise; Koenig, Mark; Lavorato, John; Lay, Kenneth; Leff, Dan; McCarty, Danny; McConnell, Mike; McDonald, Rebecca; McMahon, Jeffrey; Metts, Mark; Muller, Mark; Olson, Cindy; Pai, Lou; Piper, Greg; Rice, Ken; Scrimshaw, Matthew; Shankman, Jeffrey A.; Sherrick, Jeffrey; Sherriff, John; Skilling, Jeff; Sunde, Marty; Whalley, Greg
Cc: Adams, Jennifer; Armstrong, Julie; Blackwood, Connie; Bob, Vanessa; Bolen, Vivianna; Brelsford, Loretta; Brown, Carol Ann; Burns, Jennifer; Campos, Kathy; Chapman, Kay; Dalton, Dorothy; Danz, Suzanne; Dauterive, Inez; Davidson, Binky; Daw, Nicki; Dick, Sharon; Dodgen, Kathy; Estrada, Mercedes; Ferrari, Kerry; Fisher, Dolores; Fleming, Rosalee; Ford, Sue; Gadade, Mrudula; Garcia, G.G.; Grow, Christina; Harris, Stephanie J; Hawkins, Linda; Heathman, Karen K.; Hillis, Kimberly; Hinojosa, Esmeralda; Johnson, Kelly; Maronge, Bridget; Marshall, Lucy; McCurley, Peggy; McMahon, Kathy; McVicker, Maureen; Moffett, Carol; Owens, Karen; Paxton, Jana L.; Phillips, Cathy; Rapacioli, Marisa; Rijo, Leah; Schiller, Marsha; Schoppe, Tammie; Sera, Sherri; Stark, Cindy; Taylor, Liz; Urquhart, Lauren; Wells, Tori L.; Westbrook, Sharron; Williamson, Joannie
Subject: VP Candidate for next Executive Committee Meeting - Tuesday May 29, 2001

Enron Industrial Markets has identifed a candidate in the London market that we wish to bring into Enron at the VP level. He is a highly experienced individual with over 30 years of steel experience and would run the origination effort for steel in London reporting to Bruce Garner. He has met several members of the executive committee already (see attachment) and his resume is attached to this email. Ray Bowen will present him at the next executive committee meeting for approval. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me as soon as possible.

<< File: BokelohFrankExec Comm Letter.doc << << File: FRANKBOKELOHCV.doc <<

Jeffrey McMahon
President and CEO
Enron Industrial Markets
713-853-5359 phone
713-646-5930 fax