Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Residential
Date:Wed, 16 May 2001 10:31:26 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Don Black/HOU/EES on 05/16/2001 12:30 P=
M ---------------------------

=09Enron Energy Services From: Vicki Sharp 05/1=
6/2001 11:20 AM Phone No: 713 853-7413=09

To:=09Don Black/HOU/EES@EES
Subject:=09Re: Residential

---------------------- Forwarded by Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES on 05/16/2001 11:20=
AM ---------------------------

Jimmie Williams
05/15/2001 09:12 AM
To:=09Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES
cc:=09Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, James E Keller/HOU/EES@EES=20
Subject:=09Re: Residential

Dan, Attached is the electronic version of the contract I gave you a copy =
of earlier. Note that all EES CA residential customers should be under thi=
s contract. However, the residential customers acquired through the PG&E E=
nergy Services deal will be under a different contract form. Legal should =
have copies of the PG&E ES contracts, and Deborah Culver or Jim Keller woul=
d probably be the best contacts.

---------------------- Forwarded by Jimmie Williams/HOU/EES on 05/15/2001 0=
9:08 AM ---------------------------

James E Keller
05/14/2001 05:43 PM
To:=09Jimmie Williams/HOU/EES@EES
Subject:=09Re: Residential =20

The actual agreements were on a printed form, but the attached is what I se=
nt to the printer.



Jimmie Williams
05/11/2001 02:34 PM
To:=09Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES
cc:=09James E Keller/HOU/EES@EES=20
Subject:=09Re: Residential =20

Vicki, I know Jim has pulled copy of the contract, but I don't believe I w=
as given a copy. =20

Jim, please also send me a copy of the residential contract so I will have=
for my files.


=09Enron Energy Services From: Vicki Sharp 05/1=
1/2001 02:02 PM Phone No: 713 853-7413=09

To:=09Jimmie Williams/HOU/EES@EES

See below. Do you already have this info pulled together and if so, can y=
ou forward to Marty and me? Jim is so busy I dont want to ask him if he ha=
s already done this for you.
---------------------- Forwarded by Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES on 05/11/2001 02:00=
PM ---------------------------

Marty Sunde
05/11/2001 11:39 AM
To:=09Carol Moffett, Peggy Mahoney, Evan Hughes, Vicki Sharp, Elizabeth Til=
ney/HOU/EES, Evan Hughes, Dennis Benevides
cc:=09Lamar Frazier, Marcus Dotson/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin Keeney/HOU/EES@EES=20

Several questions I would like more information on so that we can figure ou=
t how to return our residential customers to utility service:

1) Vicki - can someone on your staff pull a copy of what we have sent cust=
omers describing our commitment to them? Or what did they sign and send ba=
ck to us? =20
I am interested in the pricing and the terms of the deal. =20

2) Evan - is it possible to get a copy of a bill that we send to a residen=
tial customer just to see what one looks like.
Evan - can you also tell me if there is anything difficult for the resident=
ial customers in being switched back? What should they expect to see? Wil=
l their bill be messed up for a while? Are there procedural things that ne=
ed to change? How long does it take? What might the new bill look like? =

3) Lamar - could you have someone validate the position we have in the boo=
k (PV volume and dollar exposure - pre and post rate increase)

4) Peggy / Beth - can we meet and brainstorm how to communicate our "good =
bye" to these customers. One idea: perhaps we could ask Devon to help us =
send residential customers a letter showing them 100 ways to reduce their e=
nergy bill by changing their behavior or spending less than $100 at Home De=
pot on energy conservation enablers. Then, as part of our good by, we coul=
d send them a $100 gift certificate to Home Depot. This, along with a clea=
r communication on what to expect in their billing cycle and what they migh=
t expect from the utility. - our message might be?: " we have always been =
able to price differently than the utility, but due to market conditions we=
really aren't going to be able to maintain that "pricing advantage" that y=
ou have enjoyed for the last several years. Since our company is based on =
helping our customers create extra value, and since we can't find any extra=
value, we will be moving you back to utility service. As we go, don't let=
it be said that we aren't always thinking about creating extra value, so h=
ere are 100 ideas and a $100 dollar certificate to home depot. Just implem=
enenting 10 of these ideas could reduce your energy bill by 25%. In the en=
d, lower the overall cost of energy is what it is all about. As we get new=
ideas, we'll be in touch....."
Just an example...but something like that....

5) Carol: could you schedule a meeting for us to review this stuff say Tu=
esday? =20

Please email ideas or comments prior to the meeting. Vicki, if we have the=
info from #1, I am not sure you or an associate need to attend. I think E=
van, someone from project Golden Bear, Peggy and/or Beth, and Evan. =20

Thanks all.

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