Enron Mail

To:ted.murphy@enron.com, rick.buy@enron.com, mark.palmer@enron.com,mark.koenig@enron.com, jeff.skilling@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com, paula.rieker@enron.com, kathryn.corbally@enron.com
Subject:Auction closed after round 70
Date:Mon, 21 Aug 2000 03:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

We won a PPA in Alberta. We will know for sure on Thursday when the
government declares the auctin a success or not. It is highly like that it
will be a success.

Please direct all detailed questions through Derek Davies in Canada

---------------------- Forwarded by John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron on 08/21/2000
09:58 AM ---------------------------

Derek Davies@ECT
08/21/2000 10:02 AM
To: John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, Robert Hemstock/CAL/ECT@ECT

Subject: Auction closed after round 70

---------------------- Forwarded by Derek Davies/CAL/ECT on 08/21/2000 09:02
AM ---------------------------

Amshelp <amshelp@crai.com< on 08/21/2000 09:48:49 AM
To: Amshelp <amshelp@crai.com<
Subject: Auction closed after round 70

The auction is now closed -- no more rounds will be run. In round 70, there
were no new bids, no bid withdrawals, and no proactive waivers submitted.
In accordance with the auction rules, the Minister of Resource Development
will decide no later than Thursday, August 24 whether to accept all winning
bids or to reject all winning bids. Names of standing high bidders will not
be revealed before the Minister's decision.