Enron Mail

Subject:confidential employee information
Date:Tue, 14 Aug 2001 16:34:41 -0700 (PDT)

Oxley asked that I send you a few bullets on Tom Martin. Please see below and let me know if you need further info.

Feedback from two exit interviews from voluntary terminations in regard to Tom is as follows:
"was treated as inferior by my manager"
"was lied to and insulted by my supervisor"
Tom "berates employees in front of others and blames underlings for his mistakes. Additionally, he second guessed every position I put on, sold me out of positions (which turned out good) and used all our allocated VAR for his own benefit."
Tom "has a reputation for not representing employees well in the end of year review process. I found this to be the case as well."
"Tom is difficult to communicate with"

Additionally, we had an incident w/ an employee when Tom offered her an employment agreement.
She felt that she was being forced to sign the agreement
When she declined the agreement and turned in resignation, she said that Tom said he would make it difficult for her to leave
She said that she felt threatened by Tom
Her boy friend called Tom and threatened him
As a result, Legal asked Tom not to have further contact with the employee.