Enron Mail

Subject:FREE Shipping and Handling@ColumbiaHouse.com!
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 02:31:58 -0700 (PDT)


[IMAGE]=09 Dear Dina, Get FREE Shipping and Handling plus take a look at t=
he music of Madonna and much more![IMAGE] [IMAGE] FREE SHIPPING & HANDLIN=
G! Plus, every CD is just $9.98 each! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] (plus shipping & h=
andling) details DON?T MISS OUT! More than a million members rushed to Co=
lumbiaHouse.com to take advantage of Free Shipping & Handling. So many, in =
fact, that you may have experienced difficulties in accessing the site. We =
wanted to be sure to invite you back to get in on this very special deal. B=
ut HURRY! This offer ends soon! expires: 11/7/01 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] Start Shopping [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09

[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] ArtistAlbumselection# [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Alternative =
Classical Christian Country Dance Gospel Hard/Metal Jaz=
z/Blues Latin Light & Easy New Age/World R? Rap Rock S=
oft Rock/Pop Soundtracks Holiday [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Bestsellers Ba=
rgain Titles Web Extras 50 Music Milestones Deluxe Box Sets Gre=
atest Hits =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Spot=
light On: Madonna! details [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The pop icon is bac=
k with "Music," a sensational set that Vibe Magazine calls "a masterpiece o=
f brilliantly arranged keyboards, futuristic drums and electronica dressing=
s." Check it out -- plus Madonna classics like "Ray Of Light," "Like A Pray=
er" and more -- at our brand-new Spotlight. Go Shopping ! [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Landmark Albums You Can?t=
Live Without: Music Milestones details [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] We?ve=
lined up a crucial collection of absolute essentials from AC/DC, Miles Dav=
is, Garth Brooks, Aretha Franklin, The Eagles, Michael Jackson, Frank Sinat=
ra, Led Zeppelin, Marvin Gaye, U2, Bob Marley and many more. If you don?t h=
ave 'em, you need 'em! Go Shopping ! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Best Sellers Don?t miss these must-have Club =
hits. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Alicia Keys Songs In A Minor =
The retro-soul singer/pianist?s #1 debut features instant classics like Fa=
llin', Girlfriend and A Woman?s Worth. [IMAGE] Various Artists Totally=
Hits Tune in to 18 crucial cuts by Alicia Keys, Dido, Willa Ford, Blu Ca=
ntrell, Missy Elliot, P. Diddy, LFO, Uncle Kracker, Dream and Sugar Ray. =
[IMAGE] Train Drops Of Jupiter Organic hooks and soulful harmonies rei=
gn supreme on the new hit Respect, soulful title cut and ballad Something M=
ore. [IMAGE] Linkin Park Hybrid Theory Bizkit-sized riffs and heavy =
grooves collide on In the End and breakout hits One Step Closer and Crawlin=
g. Start Shopping Now! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Gladiator, The Matrix, Meet the Parents, Charlie?s Angels, Pay It Forward a=
nd many more! Get 4 DVDs for 49? each (plus shipping & handling)! Click he=
re to join our DVD Club. So head on over to ColumbiaHouse.com and take a=
dvantage of some fabulous freebies now! Thanks, [IMAGE] This Columbia =
House Special Offers Mail is an exclusive service for Club members. If you =
wish to unsubscribe to this email, click here to update your email prefere=
nces or reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line. You a=
re subscribed as lavorato@enron.com. To ensure that the "unsubscribe proc=
ess" has been completed successfully please allow 2 weeks. We do apologize =
for any interim emails that are received while we are updating our records.=
Thank you for shopping at ColumbiaHouse.com. [IMAGE] Copyright ? 2001=
ColumbiaHouse.com All rights reserved. f9oj3lp2l5aj4cj03g9a [IMAGE] [I=
