Enron Mail

Subject:California Update 1/23/01
Cc:jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, gary.hickerson@enron.com,richard.shapiro@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, michelle.cisneros@enron.com, jeff.kinneman@enron.com, john.greene@enron.com, jaime.gualy@enron.com, phillip.allen@enron.com, mike.grigsby@enron
Bcc:jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, gary.hickerson@enron.com,richard.shapiro@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, michelle.cisneros@enron.com, jeff.kinneman@enron.com, john.greene@enron.com, jaime.gualy@enron.com, phillip.allen@enron.com, mike.grigsby@enron
Date:Tue, 23 Jan 2001 07:15:00 -0800 (PST)

As mentioned in our report last week, AB1X is expected to pass the Senate
later this week. Lawmakers were busy over the weekend and yesterday marking
up the bill. One change includes the Department of Water Resources will use
a "weighted average" price of 5.5 cents per kilowatt hour instead of the 5.5
cents per kilowatt hour price cap.

Another bill is currently being drafted by Assemblyman Keeley and Sen. Battin
allowing QFs to sell electricity at 8 cents per kilowatt hour (down from 18
cents) to Socal. The bill stemmed from a series of negotiations that have
been taking place with CA government officials. However, a source close to
the negotiations confirms that PG&E was not involved in the meetings.

Per Friday's update, negotiations continue on a bond issuance plan but sides
remain divided on amount and if it would include the internal debt of the
parent companies or just debt due to external creditors.