Enron Mail

Subject:Appropriate people at Enron
Date:Fri, 16 Mar 2001 00:32:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear Nicolas:

I am pleased that you found the Cancun meeting to be a good experience. My
wife and I also thought if was a very enjoyable couple of days.

With reference to contacting the appropriate people representing Enron in
Mexico, you should contact either Jaime Alatorre or Max Yzaguirre. Either
one of these individuals could entertain a discussion of how we might be able
to work together.

Best regards,


Jaime Alatorre
Av. V. Quiroga 2121-PH/505
Corporativo Piramide, Santa Fe
01210 Mexico, D.F.

Max Yzaguirre
Edifico Alestra
Av. Lazaro Cardenas 2321, Ste. 601
Col. Residencial San Agustin
Garza Garcia, N.L. 66260 Mexico

Nicolas Mariscal Torroella <nicomariscalt@marhnos.com.mx< on 03/05/2001
01:14:04 PM
To: Kenneth.Lay@enron.com
Subject: It was nice seeing you at Canc?n

Dear Kenneth:

It was nice seeing you at Cancun. For me and may wife, it was a very
interesting experience to attend this forum.

I would like to know more about your activities in our country. If it is
possible, I would like to contact your representative in Mexico, in order to
explore possibilities of working together in some projects.

I hope you had a good return trip to home

Nicolas Mariscal
Grupo Marhnos
Lafayette 40
Col. Nueva Anzures
M,xico 11590, D.F.
tel (525) 096-7843
Fax (525) 096-7846