Enron Mail |
Hi Shea -
Ken Lay will not be able to join this as he is on a cruise vacation. Rosie Shea_Dugger@i2.com on 03/19/2001 09:39:59 AM To: bcash@interwest.com, kenneth.lay@enron.com, sandy_tungare@vistaar.com, tom_meredith@dell.com, Sanjiv_Sidhu@i2.com, Romesh_Wadhwani@i2.com, Bill_Beecher@i2.com, David_Becker@i2.com, Robert_Donohoo@i2.com, Greg_Brady@i2.com, Claudio_Osorio@i2.com, Antonio_Boccalandro@i2.com, Tim_Leisman@infinitecontent.com cc: Doug_Linebarger@i2.com, Kevin_Smart@i2.com, Jerry_Rau@i2.com, jdavidson@srfunds.com, Sandi_Drysdale@i2.com, jdoyle@vistaar.com, heather_dalton@dell.com, Kim_Robinson@i2.com, Barbette_Watts@i2.com, Laurie_Harris@i2.com Subject: Board of Directors Conference Call logistics The Board of Directors conference call to discuss revised terms of the Trade Service Corporation/ec-Content acquisition has been scheduled as follows: March 19, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. CST Dial in: 800-486-2460 Host Code (Bob Donohoo only): 453502 Participant Code: 705954 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. ____________________ Shea Dugger Legal Dept. Tel: 469-357-4195 Fax: 469-357-6566 shea_dugger@i2.com