Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Request for Bios
Date:Tue, 8 May 2001 05:43:00 -0700 (PDT)

Here is Mr. Lay's bio.


"Heidi VanGenderen" <hvg@carbon.cudenver.edu< on 05/08/2001 10:46:40 AM
Please respond to <hvg@carbon.cudenver.edu<
cc: "Marshall Kaplan (E-mail)" <mkaplan@carbon.cudenver.edu<, "'Sue Green'"
<s1green@carbon.cudenver.edu<, "Tom McCoy (E-mail)"
Subject: Request for Bios

Hello All:

We are looking forward to the May 22-23 Forum on Securing the Energy Future
of the Western United States.

If you wish to have a paragraph-long bio included in the Forum notebook,
please respond to this e-mail by sending your bio. Feel free to fax one, if
that's easier, as well.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments.

Thanks very much,

Heidi VanGenderen, Senior Associate
Wirth Chair in Environmental and
Community Development Policy
Institute for Policy Research and Implementation
University of Colorado-Denver
1445 Market Street, Suite 350
Denver, CO 80202-1727
Tel - 303-820-5676
Fax - 303-534-8774