Enron Mail

Subject:Argentina Political Analysis
Cc:don.black@enron.com, michael.guerriero@enron.com, jose.bestard@enron.com,diomedes.christodoulou@enron.com, peter.weidler@enron.com, joe.kishkill@enron.com
Bcc:don.black@enron.com, michael.guerriero@enron.com, jose.bestard@enron.com,diomedes.christodoulou@enron.com, peter.weidler@enron.com, joe.kishkill@enron.com
Date:Sun, 8 Oct 2000 12:13:00 -0700 (PDT)

In case this becomes big news in the United States, attached is a summary=
from the Argentina team of the political situation in Argentina. It is not=
political meltdown but it is a significant change in the executive branch a=
potential realignment of the political parties in Argentina. The cabinet=
shuffle and resignation of the vice president are in the wake of the senate=
bribery scandal in Argentina where the opposition was supposedly bribed to=
vote for the governments changes in law (actually in favor of economic=20
reform). The cabinet shuffle was economics oriented with the economic team=
being strengthened, but potentially at the expense of the alliance that hol=
the government and a majority in Congress over Menem's party, the peronists=
. =20
The vice president was the senior member of the second party in the allianc=
(President De La Rua is senior member of the first party in the alliance). =
Financial markets reacted slightly negatively to the shakeup with bond=20
spreads widening slightly and Argentine stock prices down slightly. As a=
minimum we will keep a close eye on the political and financial situation a=
be prepared for any more significant reaction by the financial markets. =20
---------------------- Forwarded by James M Bannantine/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on=
10/08/2000 07:04 PM ---------------------------

Don Black@ENRON
10/07/2000 08:16 AM
cc: Joe Kishkill/SA/Enron@Enron, Diomedes Christodoulou/SA/Enron@Enron, Pet=
E Weidler/NA/Enron@Enron, Michael Guerriero/SA/Enron@Enron=20

Subject: Argentina Political Analysis

Thanks for the quick turnaround on this from you and your team.

This is as far as this distribution went. Please edit as needed and forwar=
to whomever you feel necessary.
---------------------- Forwarded by Don Black/SA/Enron on 10/07/2000 11:07 =
From: Michael Guerriero on 10/07/2000 10:13 AM
To: Don Black/SA/Enron@Enron
cc: Guillermo Canovas/SA/Enron@Enron, Cristian Folgar/SA/Enron@Enron, Maria=
Belen Salvador/SA/Enron@Enron=20
Subject: Argentina Political Analysis

As reported Carlos Chacho Alvarez resigned his position Friday as Vice=20
president of Argentina.=20

The main reason of this resignation was a political disagreement with Cabin=
changes announced on Thursday 5th by President De la Rua. Alvarez
publicly noted he could no longer tolerate the political differences with t=
President over the senate bribery scandal. Particularly Alvarez disagreed=
with De la Rua's decision to promote Alberto Flamarique from Minister of=20
Labor to General Secretary and to keep Fernando de Santiba=0Fez as Chief of=
Intelligence Department. Both Flamarique and Santiba=0Fez are suspected of=
paying bribes to Senators to vote for a new Labor Law. Alvarez has=20
emotionally championed the fight against the senate scandal and has been=20
strongly advocating for the resignation of Flamarique, Santiba=0Fez and all=
Senators involved in the affair.=20

It was considered that the decision of De la R?a was intended to demonstrat=
that he, and not Alvarez, holds the power and that De la R?a wanted to=20
demonstrate that the changes were focused on improving the economic situati=
and to move beyond the Senate scandal.

The main changes in the cabinet, announced on Thursday 5th, are the followi=
Chistian Colombo (economist, in good relationship with Machinea) will repla=
Terragno as Chief of Cabinet.
Machinea (Minister of Economy) will also be responsible of the Ministry of=
Jorge De la R?a (former General Secretary of the President and President's=
brother) will be Minister of Justice.=20
Patricia Bullrich (peronist) will be Minister of Labor.=20

As a consequence of Alvarez' resignation, Flamarique resigned to his positi=
of General Secretary of the President.

Regarding the preliminary impact of the political changes to the economic=
situation it could be considered the following:

Before Alvarez resignation, the cabinet changes were considered positive=20
intending to increase the power of the Minister of Economy and reduce the=
internal disagreements in the Administration.
Although Alvarez (the leader of the Frepaso party) said he will be still pa=
of the "Alianza" (the Radical and Frepaso party alliance) in Office, Alvare=
resignation could lead to the division of the Alianza and reduce the abilit=
of De la Rua to pass new laws in the Congress. A breakup of the coalition=
would make the Peronist the largest party in both houses of Congress only=
compounding the potential for government gridlock =20
This situation will weaken De la Rua and probably foster new re-alignments =
the political field.
All the situation will increase economic uncertainty and will delay economi=
recovery. The market will wait to see if a conflict develops in the Alianza=
De la Rua and his team will probably be forced to take "strong" decisions t=
retain the political initiative, strength and control.
Machinea will probably try to gain the market confidence, announcing that D=
la Rua's Administration will not change the macro foundations of the econom=
agenda and even increase its commitment toward monetary and fiscal=20
equilibrium, exchange rate policy, respect for vested rights, etc.

Financial analysts have viewed the situation as "an institutional crisis wi=
unknown effects on the economy". The insecurity of the Argentina's politica=
future caused Argentine debt paper to fall. The Argentine JP Morgan Emergin=
Market Bond Index widened 23 basis points to 685 over US Treasuries.=20
Argentina's 17 year global bond fell only slightly. There does not appear t=
be a market panic as noted by the trading of Argentine ADR's in New York. =
They were down cents rather than dollars and a number of them closing=20

We will continue to monitor the situation and update as warranted. =20