Enron Mail

Date:Tue, 14 Nov 2000 06:01:00 -0800 (PST)

E-Mail to: Friends and Associates URGENT
From: Lou Cordia
Date: November 13, 2000
Re: President Bush or President Gore?

Governor Bush and Secretary Cheney won on election night by getting
more votes in Florida than Gore/Lieberman.

Governor Bush and Secretary Cheney won when the election night vote
was confirmed by an official recount in Florida.

The only legitimate remaining ballots to be counted are those from Floridians
who reside overseas, who post-marked their ballots on or before November 7th,
and whose ballots are received on or before November 17th.

However, it is obvious that Gore/Lieberman are trying to steal the election.
Like the Clinton/Gore's years of public relations and legal distortions,
are looking for a "governing legal authority" to increase their probability
of victory.
They want four counties in Florida where Democrats significantly out-register
to hand-count their ballots; and let the Democrats in charge of the recounts
decide what was in the mind of the voter when he/she did not completely punch
the ballot.
For example, if someone partially punched a hole in a ballot because he/she
started to vote
for Gore and then decided in the booth not to vote him or anyone, these
Democrats would
give the vote to Gore - that's according to the second set of rules, as
changed during the
recount in Palm Beach County. Incidently, but not surprisingly, all three of
these Palm
Beach officials are Democrats.

What Gore/Lieberman Campaign Chairman Richard Daley is orchestrating is as
as what his father did in 1960 in Cook County Illinois in stealing the
election from John Kennedy.

Point blank, Al Gore is not as honorable as Richard Nixon was in 1960 and
Gerald Ford was
in 1976 when both Republican candidates conceded the close elections despite
advisors' requests for recounts. They put the interests of the country ahead
of their own
personal interest in the White House. They knew then that recounting ad
infinitum would
produce pluses and minuses in vote counts; but they trusted that the votes
would balance
out if all precincts were recounted. They believed in the integrity of our
elections, and knew
of the adverse consequences here and abroad of second-guessing our election

If you are as upset as I am, then please help by making a contribution to the
Recount Fund that has been set up to fight the Gore/Lieberman trial lawyers
and public
relations spin- miesters.

I am enclosing an admittedly less emotionally-charged letter from Bush/Cheney
Chairman Don Evans and a response form. Please HELP TODAY.


To: Mr. Louis J. Cordia

From: Donald L. Evans
Chairman, Bush-Cheney Campaign

Date: November 11, 2000

You were there when we began this campaign and we appreciate all that you have
done. I would like to ask for your help one more time on behalf of Governor
and Secretary Cheney.

It is now clear we must have the funding necessary to fight this legal battle
in Florida.
Governor Bush won on Election Day, a victory confirmed by a recount. Now,
the other
side is seeking yet a third count by hand.

The law allows us to open a "recount fund" which we have done this morning.
expensive legal process must be funded immediately. We need you to overnight
a check
for $5000, made payable to Bush-Cheney Recount. Please see the delivery
on the next page.

The check must come from personal funds. No corporate contributions are
The contribution does not count against your annual federal giving limit of
We are not required to make these donations public. However, in keeping with
Bush's "full disclosure" policy on financial contributions, these
contributions will be posted
on the Bush-Cheney website.

We respectfully ask that you limit the amount of your check to $5000. Should
we have
funds left over, we will refund them to each donor on a pro rata basis. If
you have any
questions regarding this contribution, you may contact Jack Oliver or Jeanne
Phillips at (512) 344-4601.

Throughout the past two years, your friendship and support has meant a great
deal to
Governor Bush and to me personally. We thank you in advance for your
willingness to
help us during this important time in the life of our country.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards.


(1) copy this contribution sheet and encourage your family, friends,
and business associates to contribute;
(2) mail each signed contribution sheet with your check(s) to :
c/o Donald L. Evans, Bush-Cheney Recount Fund,
301 Congress Ave. Suite 200, Austin TX 78701; and
(3) fax to Lou Cordia (703/212-9128) a copy of each signed contribution
sheet so
that I do not bother you with follow-up calls or faxes.



Corporate and foreign national contributions are not
permitted under federal law. Only personal funds are
permitted. Contributions to Bush-Cheney Recount Fund
are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Full name

Spouse name



State Zip

Home Phone

Office Phone

Fax Phone


Check Contributions

The contribution to Bush-Cheney Recount Fund drawn on
check#___________ of the account named as _______________________,
represents our personal funds and is not drawn on an account maintained by
an incorporated entity.

Signature of Original Contributor
(must be signed by both spouses)

Signature of Spouse

Please make check payable to:
Bush-Cheney Recount Fund

Please mail or overnight express to:
Donald L. Evans
301 Congress Avenue, Suite 200
Austin, TX 78701

Please do not send more than $5000 per person.

In keeping with Governor Bush's policy of "full disclosure"
of financial contributions, your name will be posted as a contributor
to Bush-Cheney Recount Fund on the Bush-Cheney website.

Any monies not expended for this purpose will be returned on a pro rata basis.

Paid for by Bush-Cheney Recount Fund. Contributions to Bush-Cheney
Recount Fund are not tax deductible for federal income purposes.