Enron Mail

Subject:Message from Congressman Sessions
Date:Fri, 6 Oct 2000 12:11:00 -0700 (PDT)

From: Pete

To: Ken

Date: Friday, October 6, 2000

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Pete Sessions
Week of September 30 - October 6, 2000

This Week in Washington, the United States House of Representatives
continued its work on the appropriations process for funding of the
fiscal year of 2001. The House passed the conference reports on
the energy, interior and transportation appropriations bills. We
also passed a continuing resolution agreement that will keep the
government running until all 13 appropriations bills are passed and
signed into law by the president.

On Monday of this week, as Chairman of the Congressional Results
Caucus and a member of the Congressional Cyber Security Caucus, I
toured the high-tech corridor of Boston, Massachusetts today to learn
about high-tech issues such as information security, e-signature
legislation and Internet taxation.

I organized the trip to draw attention to the need for more implementation
of information technology security not only among federal and other
governmental agencies but in the private sector as well. The Congressional
Cyber Security Caucus exists in part to educate other members of
Congress and government agencies of the vital need for secure information
technology systems.

The trip came on the heels of a recent General Accounting Office
(GAO) report to Congress that clearly stated that too many government
operations and assets remain at risk of cyber attack. The GAO discovered
serious security flaws at major federal agencies such as the Treasury
Department and the Department of Defense - situations clearly indicating
large potential threats to citizen privacy and national security.

Some of the computer systems that run our national defense and military
operations are literally an open target to hostile nations or terrorists
who have cyber terrorism technology. Both accidental and intentional
attacks on these very systems have been detected and we must take
steps to stop them.

I was joined by Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-CA), Congressman
Tom Davis (R-VA), Congressman Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), Congresswoman
Nancy Johnson (R-CT), Congressman John Sununu (R-NH), Congressman
Jack Quinn (R-NY), Congressman John Sweeney (R-NY), and other prominent
business, community and financial leaders.

We attended a meeting at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
with area CEOs and high-tech leaders, representing the financial,
communications and technology community. The discussion was hosted
by TechNet Massachusetts to discuss creating digital opportunities,
H-1B visas, protection of online privacy, and taxation of Internet

I believe that any government agency using information systems and
is linked to the outside world MUST have an efficient and secure
information security system. The potential privacy and security
threat is not something we should take lightly and unfortunately
too many high-level government officials are doing just that!

Any major business, industry or government organization must consider
the threat of cyber attack and how it could be a devastating situation
to customers and citizens. I can't imagine any of my constituents
being interested in having their private banking information being
made public to anyone on the Internet. Security and privacy must
be a priority and the businesses and organizations that possess this
sensitive information can not afford the risk of intrusion.

Members also met with high-tech officials, Governor Paul Cellucci
(R-MA), and Lt. Governor Jane Swift (R-MA) to discuss the future
of the information technology industry as well as pending legislation
in Congress designed to address the pressing needs of New Economy

Earlier this year, I digitally signed the "The e-Contract 2000" with
high-tech America to renew his commitment to promoting the New Economy
in the 21st century.

I pledge to continue my legislative and oversight efforts to remove
the barriers to future innovation, competition, and growth. Freedom
is the answer, not government intervention.
The New Economy has created limitless opportunities in America today
for consumers, companies and workers alike.

The e-Contract 2000 outlines a number of policies the Republican-controlled
Congress has designed to promote continued growth in the New Economy,
such as "Reducing Taxation, Regulation, and Litigation" and "Promoting
Free Trade and E-Commerce."

Also this year I voted for continued growth in the new economy by
supporting the "Internet Non-Discrimination Act" (H.R. 3709), to
extend the current Internet tax moratorium for an additional 5 years,
through 2006. The bill passed in the U.S. House of Representatives
by a vote of 352-75.

The tremendous growth of e-commerce has created thousands of high-wage
jobs in this country and has led to countless new choices for Texas
consumers. The group with me today believes the New Economy should
remain unfettered by burdensome taxes and regulation, to ensure continued
growth and innovation into the 21st century.

Around Texas...

Last Friday, I spoke to the advanced placement Government and Economics
classes at Palestine High School. I pointed out to them that our
Constitutional form of government is really just an on-going experiment,
and that the continued success of our country depends on the participation
of all of our citizens. I told them that I am confident that we
can solve every problem in America. I always enjoy speaking with
enthusiastic young people, and I want to give every student an opportunity
to experience and understand our government.

On Saturday I went to the St. Thomas - Aquinas children's carnival,
and that evening I attended a fundraising event to benefit "For the
Love of the Lake." This is one of my favorite community projects.
I have adopted part of the shoreline of White Rock Lake, and would
encourage all of you to come help out at our "Second Saturday Clean-up."
See my web site for more information.

Tomorrow I will see my friends in Anderson County at the Anderson
County Cattle Baron's Ball. And in two weeks, I will be in Bryan
for a Town Hall Meeting. See the notice at the end of this e-mail.

Next week Congress is hoping to finish its work on the budget for
fiscal year 2001.

Have a great weekend! - Pete

<<< Town Hall Meeting <<<
Brazos and Robertson County Town Hall Meeting
WHEN: Saturday, October 21, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
WHERE: GTE Building
501 Industrial Blvd
Bryan, Texas

Have an old cell phone? Donate it and save a life.......

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