Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Final Draft -- SEC Report on Valuation
Date:Thu, 19 Apr 2001 11:37:00 -0700 (PDT)

Ken Lay said to let you know he does sign off on this draft.


"Garten, Jeffrey" <jeffrey.garten@yale.edu< on 04/09/2001 05:21:48 PM
To: "'Len@shv.com'" <Len@shv.com<, "'jdoerr@kpcb.com'" <jdoerr@kpcb.com<,
"'robg@real.com'" <robg@real.com<, "'HHK@sprintmail.com'"
<HHK@sprintmail.com<, "'tim_koller@mckinsey.com'" <tim_koller@mckinsey.com<,
"'kenneth.lay@enron.com'" <kenneth.lay@enron.com<, "'blev@stern.nyu.edu'"
<blev@stern.nyu.edu<, "'nperetsman@allenco.com'" <nperetsman@allenco.com<,
"'carlsonl@blackstone.com'" <carlsonl@blackstone.com<, "'depowell@cisco.com'"
<depowell@cisco.com<, "'David.L.Shedlarz@pfizer.com'"
<David.L.Shedlarz@pfizer.com<, "'rick.sherlund@gs.com'"
<rick.sherlund@gs.com<, "'stiglitz@stanford.edu'" <stiglitz@stanford.edu<,
"'hal@sims.berkeley.edu'" <hal@sims.berkeley.edu<
cc: "'avalles@kpcb.com'" <avalles@kpcb.com<, "'Lliming@real.com'"
<Lliming@real.com<, "'carolyn_hubbard@mckinsey.com'"
<carolyn_hubbard@mckinsey.com<, "'rosalee.fleming@enron.com'"
<rosalee.fleming@enron.com<, "'kboles@allenco.com'" <kboles@allenco.com<,
"'dryan@cisco.com'" <dryan@cisco.com<, "'jeanne.motte@gs.com'"
<jeanne.motte@gs.com<, "'josephstiglitz@hotmail.com'"
<josephstiglitz@hotmail.com<, "'lucy@sims.berkeley.edu'"
Subject: Final Draft -- SEC Report on Valuation

Attached please find the final draft. Tim Koller and I hope
it reflects all the changes suggested on the last conference call. Of
course, we will never be able to satisfy everyone to the last detail, but I
think we came as close as we will get.

There is still some proof reading and minor editing to do,
and we are working on that even as we send this off.

To the best of my knowledge there may now be two "individual
views" to go into what is now Attachment D. Len Baker may feel that the
language on Safe Harbor doesn't go far enough. Baruch Lev feels that the
SEC should not only issue a "concept release" to solicit broad public
comments on a "supplementary framework for reporting intangibles," but it
should create a task force to do the work. (Most of the group feels this
approach is too close to asking the SEC to mandate change.) Baruch also
feels that in relying so much on voluntary disclosure, we are exaggerating
what companies will, in fact, disclose. My suggestion, Len and Baruch, is to
write a paragraph or two for Attachment D, if you wish. Hopefully, both of
you will begin with a sentence supporting the report in general, but if you
feel strongly that the report doesn't reflect all your views, please do
state them for the record.

Before we schedule a final call for last minute details,
etc, I'd like to request an e-mail, fax or phone call from each of you
letting me know if you can sign-off on the report. I'd appreciate this by
Monday, April 16th.

Thanks a million.

Best regards,

<<SEC Task Force Draft 04092001.doc<< <<SEC Press Release

- SEC Task Force Draft 04092001.doc
- SEC Press Release 4-06-01.doc