Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Joe Sutton and Pamela Benson (MOVE)
Date:Wed, 1 Nov 2000 09:40:00 -0800 (PST)


Mr Lay has agreed to to let Joe Sutton keep his existing equipment, please
call Pam Benson and let her know that we will let
Joe keep the existing equipment and will not upgrade any of his PC's


From: Jenny Rub@ENRON on 11/01/2000 01:18 PM
To: Philippe A Bibi/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Joe Sutton and Pamela Benson (MOVE)

Philippe, Should we do this upgrade? Sorry to be a pain....JR

----- Forwarded by Jenny Rub/Corp/Enron on 11/01/2000 01:17 PM -----

Paige Cox
11/01/2000 12:20 PM

To: LaMetrice Dopson/NA/Enron@Enron, Jenny Rub/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Joe Sutton and Pamela Benson (MOVE)

I KNOW this is becomming a pain .. but ....

We received a request from Pam Benson this morning to upgrade Mr. Sutton's
laptop that he's been approved to take with him. He currently has Toshiba
Protege, and now he wants to return that and take an IBM X20 -- free of charge

I'll need approval from someone, please.


---------------------- Forwarded by Paige Cox/Corp/Enron on 11/01/2000 12:12
PM ---------------------------
To: Mike Harrelson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Paige
Cox/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Darrin Morris/Enron Communications@Enron Communications

Subject: Joe Sutton and Pamela Benson (MOVE)

I just received a phone call from Pamela Benson

Time - 10:18
Wed November 1st

This was in regards to Mr. Suttons Laptop that was requested by him. He
would like to have the X20 Thinkpad ready by Nov 10th. Pamela Benson had
said that they where allowed to take this one free of Charge. (?????) He
will be turning in his Toshiba Protege's both so the total amount of
computers that will be in his possession will be 2

1 X20 Suzanne Sutton
1 X20 Joe Sutton

Please review so that if I have to ask Pam any question I will know what
information is needed. This request by Mr. Sutton need to fulfilled by Nov
10th. Do we need to make this an urgent issue and start setting this up if
so I need to get the Laptop???? d

Dave Martinez
Executive Support Team Lead
713-503-6651 cell
713-853-5447 Wk
877-810-8119 pgr
8776108119@skytel.com (email pgr)