Enron Mail |
This is o.k. for Ken Lay, but we are changing to a more uniform address, so
would likely be better to use kenneth.lay@enron.com. "Richard Everett" <richarde@centurydev.com< on 06/06/2000 10:36:39 AM Please respond to <richarde@centurydev.com< To: <bbh@group1auto.com<, <bdussler@palmetto-partners.com<, <ecockrel@COCKRELL.COM<, <savoycap@msn.com<, <hjp@pappasrestaurants.com<, <jim_braniff@ajg.com<, <jdddec@insync.net<, <klay@enron.com<, <mnk@caller.infi.net<, <mfc-mca@worldnet.att.net<, <nsholmes@parkwayinvestments.com<, <posres@aol.com<, <pway@wayholding.com<, <rodc@insource.com<, <tcarey@crcevans.com<, <WalterPye@email.msn.com< cc: Subject: Test send This is a "test email send" of the WPO Forum Group from Richard Everett. By return email, please verify that you received this message and let us know if there is another email address that you prefer us to use. Thank you. Joy Powell Executive Assistant to Richard Everett 713/871-5119 =================================================== NOTE: The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not read, use or disseminate the information. Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Century Development or any of its affiliates for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. ====================================================