Enron Mail

Subject:Re: WEF- Outline of Opinion for Environmental Agenda
Cc:browne_ejp@bp.com, aknittel@ford.com, daniel.esty@yale.edu, forma@gol.com,masae.oobayashi@dx.toshiba.co.jp, yasuo3.uchida@dx.toshiba.co.jp, kiyoharu.yokoyama@dx.toshiba.co.jp, naoki1.kubo@dx.toshiba.co.jp, tomoko.seki@dx.toshiba.co.jp, yasuhiro2.shimu
Bcc:browne_ejp@bp.com, aknittel@ford.com, daniel.esty@yale.edu, forma@gol.com,masae.oobayashi@dx.toshiba.co.jp, yasuo3.uchida@dx.toshiba.co.jp, kiyoharu.yokoyama@dx.toshiba.co.jp, naoki1.kubo@dx.toshiba.co.jp, tomoko.seki@dx.toshiba.co.jp, yasuhiro2.shimu
Date:Tue, 18 Jan 2000 01:50:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear Mr. Misaki:

Dr. Lay would prefer that the pre-meeting continue to be scheduled at 8:30
a.m. on January 29, as he has conflicts the afternoon of January 28, so it
would be difficult for him to attend.

Please advise.

Rosalee Fleming

"hitoshi misaki" <hitoshi.misaki@toshiba.co.jp< on 01/18/2000 04:04:29 AM
To: Kenneth Lay/Corp/Enron@Enron, browne_ejp@bp.com, aknittel@ford.com,
cc: forma@gol.com, "masae oobayashi" <masae.oobayashi@dx.toshiba.co.jp<,
"yasuo3 uchida" <yasuo3.uchida@dx.toshiba.co.jp<, "kiyoharu yokoyama"
<kiyoharu.yokoyama@dx.toshiba.co.jp<, "naoki1 kubo"
<naoki1.kubo@dx.toshiba.co.jp<, "tomoko seki" <tomoko.seki@dx.toshiba.co.jp<,
"yasuhiro2 shimura" <yasuhiro2.shimura@dx.toshiba.co.jp<
Subject: WEF- Outline of Opinion for Environmental Agenda

Mr. Kenneth L. Lay, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Enron, USA
Professor Dr. Klaus Topfer c/o Mr. Claire Musonera, Personal
Assistant, UN Environmental Programme, Kenya
Sir John Browne, Group Executive, BP Amoco Plc, UK
Mr. William Clay Ford Jr., Chairman, Ford Motor Company, USA
Mr. Daniel C. Esty, Yale Center for Environmental Law and
Policy, USA

cc:Ms. Yu Serizawa, Advisor for Japan, World Economic Forum

We are the supporting staff for Mr. T. Nishimuro President and
CEO, Toshiba Corporation and hope that you have already received
the "Session Structure" from WEF office for the subject session
held on Saturday 29 January 09:00-10:15 at Kongress Centre, Davos.

We are preparing the outline of Mr. Nishimuro's opening remarks
who will chair the subject session. Herewith is attached the
outline for your reference, which is tentatively prepared for
him by his staff. This may be re-defined through the discussion
with Mr. Nishimuro.

Mr. Nishimuro wants to assure the session flows as smoothly as
possible, and
towards this we would appreciate it if you could send me, by
e-mail, a
brief summary of or the key points of participants remarks.

In addition, Mr. Nishimuro would like for all participants to
come and talk freely beforehand and we will appreciate if you
could come to following meeting place.

at 16:30 of Friday 28, 2000.
Ms. Yu Serizawa will call out there.(Cell Phone:079-238-7021)

If you can not come to the meeting place, please advise to this
mail address or call Mr. H. Misaki at Hotel Crystal(081-413 5757
Fax081 413 3262) after January 26.


World Economic Forum-Mr. Nishimuro's Notes
"What should be the environmental agenda for business in the 21st

1. Awareness of Environmental Issue
1) Environmental issue, like Global warming, Excessive use of
natural resources, Recycling, Pollution, is of major significance.
The impact on the business is becoming to increase.
2) The Kyoto Conference(COP3) defined an international framework
for dealing with the issue of global warming.
(The GHG reduction targets contained in the Kyoto Protocol are 6%
for Japan, 7% for the U.S.A., 8% for the EU)
Specific content for the Flexibility Mechanism/Kyoto Mechanism
(for International Emissions Trading (IET), Joint Implement (JI),
and Clean Development Mechanism(CDM)) will be decided on at COP6,
which is scheduled for November 2000.
GHG is a serious matter requiring a globally studying.

2. GHG Reduction
1) The relationship between GHG levels and climatic change
remains uncertain at present and further research is required.
Policies will have to be devised that take account of developments
in scientific knowledge and opinion and that also maintains
2) Policy on GHG reduction must reflect the circumstances of
each country and be based on a combination of regulatory measures,
economic measures and voluntary measures.
Excessive regulating may cause the unfairness in business

3. Energy Conservation
1) The U.S.A. is the largest consumer of energy. In such a
large, mobile country, much
consumption is accounted for by the transportation sector.
2) The EU has pushed many advances in environmental protection,
and has seen considerable progress in the use of renewable energy.

3) Japan has very limited natural resources, and energy
conservation has been promoted since the oil shocks of the 1970s.
As a result, Japan is a leader in making effective use of energy,
and has the lowest level of GHG emissions against GDP.
Japan's policy is to combine regulation with voluntary measures.
Industry has supported this by promoting voluntary environmental
plans and other measures.
Japanese industries including Toshiba are to improve the energy
consumption efficiency of their products and use of energy at
their factories.

4. Programme of Industry
1) Energy conservation is to make up the cost reduction of
products and recycling will bring about the effect on manufacturing
cost saving in the long run.

(See attached file: Einvironmentalissue0118.doc)

Hitoshi Misaki, Group Manager
International Division TOSHIBA CORPORATION
1-1,Shibaura 1-chome Minatoku Tokyo
JAPAN 105-8001
TEL:03-3457-3661, FAX:03-5444-9217
e-mail:hitoshi misaki@toshiba.co.jp
YES T can !

- Einvironmentalissue0118.doc