Enron Mail

Subject:September 6 Roundtable
Date:Tue, 22 Aug 2000 10:49:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Colleagues:

From September 18-25, 2000, the Texas Natural Resources Conservation
Commission will hold 14 public hearings on proposed rules to address the
Houston/Galveston Area's (HGA) Attainment Demonstration State Implementation
Plan (SIP). Join us for our annual community roundtable at River Oaks
Country Club on September 6, 2000 to discuss the many issues involved in the
HGA Attainment SIP. Houston region air quality impacts our energy
businesses, our overall business community and quality of life. We look
forward to seeing you on September 6! Details on the roundtable follow.

Michelle Michot Foss
Director, Energy Institute
College of Business Administration
University of Houston

A Discussion on Our Energy Future with...

A "Macro" View on the Energy/Environment Nexus --
Robert L. Bradley
Director, Public Policy Analysis
Enron Corporation
(In addition to his duties at Enron, Rob is an adjunct scholar at Cato
Institute where he focuses on energy and environment policy analysis. See

An Overview on Houston Region Air Quality Issues --
Steve Reeves
Manager, HS&E, Shell Oil Company
Business Coalition for Clean Air
(The BCCA is leading the Houston region consensus building effort on clean
air. See http://www.houston.org/cleanair/BCCA.html.)

Environment and the Regional Economy--
Robert W. Gilmer
Senior Economist & Assistant Vice President
Houston Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
(Bill provides Houston region analysis for the Fed's Beige Book and authors
Houston Business, a widely recognized commentary on our region. See

Political Wrap: Comparing Bush/Gore Approaches --
Lynn Scarlett
Vice President-Research
Executive Director-Reason Public Policy Institute
Reason Foundation
(Lynn is a member of the environmental policy team advising Governor George
W. Bush. For more information on Reason, a nonprofit research and education
organization, see www.reason.org.)

Chaired by:
Michelle Michot Foss
Director, Energy Institute
University of Houston-College of Business Administration
(The UH CBA Energy Institute targets business and public policy issues
related to commercial energy development worldwide. For more information on
the Institute, see www.uh.edu/energyinstitute.)

Wednesday, September 6, 2000
River Oaks Country Club

Co-sponsored by the Houston Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

All net proceeds benefit student fellowships at the UH CBA Energy Institute.

Please RSVP by August 31, 2000

Business Organization:




Total Payment = $75 per person
$675 per guaranteed table of 10

Amount of Payment:

Please make checks payable to "U of H - Energy Institute" and mail with a
hard copy of this form to:
Energy Institute
College of Business Administration
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-6283

We accept M/C and Visa. You may RSVP with your credit card information via
return e-mail to energyinstitute@uh.edu or by fax with a hard copy of this
form to 713-743-4881.

Credit Card Type (M/C or Visa):

Account Number:

Expiration Date:

Name on Account:

For more information on the roundtable, contact Ms. Aisha Jamal at the
Energy Institute, 713-743-4634.

CBA Energy Institute
University of Houston
4800 Calhoun, MH320
Houston, TX 77204-6283
(713) 743-4634
fx: (713) 743-4881
email: energyinstitute@uh.edu
web: www.uh.edu/energyinstitute