Enron Mail

To:jtt@jtrotter.com, jnduncan@aol.com, klay@enron.com, scott_yeager@enron.net
Subject:TFA-Houston Computer Needs
Date:Thu, 9 Nov 2000 08:44:00 -0800 (PST)

Hello! Will and I decided this would be a good way to ask for assistance
from the TFA national board members residing in Houston. TFA-H is enjoying
incredible momentum right now--so much so that we are once again in dire
need of computers. We have made contact with several companies and have some
corporate proposals under consideration, but those are "down the road"
relationships assuming they work out as planned. Please reach out to
anyone and everyone to make them aware of TFA-Houston and how much the
contribution of retired computers means to the disadvantaged neighborhoods
and schools that we serve. We have a request in to Exxon Mobil Upstream
Research as I understand Exxon is replacing 40K desktops with laptops. I
haven't been able to make headway with Exxon Mobil yet--if you can assist
with trying to obtain their retired computers, that would excellent. This
could help our efforts across the country.

UPDATE: We have now assisted 74 organizations and have a backlog of demand.
This Saturday, November 11, we will provide 75 computers to 4 organizations.
This will deplete our inventory. We have several partnerships in the making
that will greatly increase the demand for our services. This week I also
participated in a meeting headed by the Mayor's office to bring the
technology and economic providers of the Enhanced Enterprise Community
together to see how we can effectively collaborate. Judging by the interest
of my post-meeting conversations, this will also generate considerable
demand for our services. We want to be able to deliver what we say we can
since we are now moving to the forefront of digital divide efforts in

Thank you for your commitment and willingness to serve the cause of
eliminating the digital divide in Houston! We are making a difference in
the lives of thousands of children and their families--let's keep moving
forward. I have attached an information sheet that you can use if you need
it as well as a list of the equipment we can use. I have also included an
update of the progress of TFA-Houston. Please email or call if you have

Lois Powers
Executive Director
Technology For All-Houston
3403 Marquart, Suite 204
Houston, TX 77027
PH: 713-961-0012

<<about tfa word version.doc<< <<Minimum Standards.doc<< <<board
update 102000.doc<<

- about tfa word version.doc
- Minimum Standards.doc
- board update 102000.doc