Enron Mail

To:james.bannantine@enron.com, cliff.baxter@enron.com,sanjay.bhatnagar@enron.com, jeremy.blachman@enron.com, philippe.bibi@enron.com, raymond.bowen@enron.com, michael.brown@enron.com, harold.buchanan@enron.com, rick.buy@enron.com, richard.causey@enron.
Subject:The Enron Corporate Policy Committee Retreat
Date:Fri, 1 Dec 2000 06:56:00 -0800 (PST)

Ken and Jeff have decided that the Enron Executive Committee Retreat will
include only the Corporate Policy Committee this year. (See list of members
below.) You may be holding the timeframe of January 16-18, 2001 on your
calendar, which you can now free up if you are not on the committee.

The location of the retreat is under consideration. When a decision is made,
we will get the information to the members of the Corporate Policy
Committee. Departure for the retreat will be early afternoon on Tuesday,
January 16 with return to Houston late afternoon on Thursday, January 18.

Please don't hesitate to call me if you have any questions at 713-853-6088.


Enron Policy Committee

Baxter, Cliff
Causey, Rick
Derrick, Jim
Fastow, Andy
Frevert, Mark
Hannon, Kevin
Horton, Stan
Kean, Steve
Lay, Ken
Pai, Lou
Rice, Ken
Skilling, Jeff
Whalley, Greg