Enron Mail

Subject:Update for Kenneth L Lay
Date:Tue, 12 Dec 2000 05:29:00 -0800 (PST)

Kenneth L Lay,

We are getting tremendous recruitment-advertising insertions into the 2001 IT
Career Guide in the "Employment Review" banner feature within the "USA Today"
Year in Review issue December 29, 30 & 31.

Many organizations are looking to get in front of the right candidates before
the January 14 and 21 "hiring rush" that takes place in the Sunday
newspapers' unemployment sections.

Consider this:

* Most candidates make the decision to seek new employment during the holiday

* Historically, "Year In Review" issues have broader readership and a longer
shelf life.

* The December 29th weekend looks to be one of the heaviest travel periods of
the year.

* The January 14 and 21 Sunday newspapers' unemployment sections will be the
largest sections of the year - will your recruitment ad be seen?

* "USA TODAY" is the No. 1 read daily newspaper among IT professionals -
reaching more than 4,600,000 active and passive IT candidates.

The "2001 IT Career Guide" will feature editorial on "In-Demand Careers and
Hot Industries" for 2001 and a bannered recruitment-advertising section.

Reach candidates in your area with any one of the 25 advertising print
markets within the United States.

Reserve space now - Space is filling fast
Materials are due December 15, 2000.

Please contact me immediately for additional information and space

Terry Preston, National Sales Manager
or call (561) 686-6800 x256

This information has been e-mailed to keep you
apprised of recruitment-advertising opportunities
designed to get your hiring needs in front of
hard-to-find candidates.
If this information is not suitable for your area
of responsibility or if you want to be removed
from our distribution list, please e-mail