Enron Mail

Subject:Update on Indian Prime Minister's visit to United States
Date:Mon, 28 Aug 2000 08:42:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Members & Friends:

In addition to the meetings being organized in San Francisco on Sept 11 (see
www.usibc.com for details), the program for the Sept 14- Washington, DC
portion of the Prime Minister's visit to the United States are being
finalized.? We have had to work around the schedules of U.S. Commerce
Secretary Norman Mineta, who is leaving for Chicago mid-afternoon, and Prime
MInister Vajpayee, who is busy until the late afternoon.? Here is the updated
agenda.? :


Main Track

Participation at the Commercial Dialogue & Prime Minister Reception will be
limited to one representative per company, except for corporate sponsors and
in cases where your company will be represented by the Chairman, Vice
Chairman, President or CEO, in which case a second participant will be
allowed to staff.

10:00am:? U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Live broadcast of Prime Minister
Vajpayee's address to joint session of Congress (see below).

10:30am:? U.S. Chamber of Commerce: U.S.-India Commercial Dialogue meeting
begins, with U.S. Commerce Secretary Mineta, Indian Commerce Minister
Murasoli Maran, and other U.S. & Indian Gov't dignitaries.

12:30pm: U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Luncheon program

? 2:00pm: U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Sectoral panel discussions

? 5:00pm: U.S. Chamber of Commerce: U.S.-India Business Council Reception for
Prime Minister Vajpayee.


Congressional Track:

Seating at the following events is extremely limited.? The USIBC plans to
hold a small number of seats for these events for sponsors of the U.S.-India
Commercial Dialogue & Prime Minister's reception later in the day at the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce.

10:00am:? Capitol Building: Prime Minister Vajpayee addresses joint session
of Congress.

12:30pm:? Capitol Building: Congressional Caucus on India Affairs hosts
luncheon with Prime MInister Vajpayee (invited guests only)


There are sponsorships available for the Commercial Dialogue & Prime
Minister's reception at $15,000 each.? Sponsors will receive a variety of
benefits, including :

Preferential seating assignments at seated portions of meeting;
Private meetings with Indian Government officials (pending availability);
Logo on signage & printed materials;
Speaking role for senior officer of sponsoring company;
2 Free tickets for representatives of sponsoring company;
Tickets for Prime Minister address to Congress and India Caucus luncheon
(pending availability).

Please respond to me with any questions.? I expect registration to begin at
the end of this week or early next week, once we have a final list of Indian
& U.S. Government dignitaries expected to attend.


Richard M. Rossow
Associate Director
U.S.-India Business Council
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
1615 H Street, NW
Washington, DC? 20062

Tel: (202) 463-5323
Fax:(202) 463-3173