Enron Mail

To:syeager@fyi-net.com, jttkyle@jttrotter.com, jvalenti@mpaa.org,jhduncan@aol.com, klay@enron.com, pdouglas@salus.net, will.reed@techforall.org
Subject:[Fwd: IRS Proposed Regulation of Speech on Nonprofit's Internet
Date:Thu, 7 Dec 2000 00:59:00 -0800 (PST)

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Jack Clark

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Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 00:36:52 -0500 (EST)
From: WewerLacy@aol.com
Subject: IRS Proposed Regulation of Speech on Nonprofit's Internet Sites
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Clients and friends:

Nonprofit organizations that maintain websites will want to know that the
IRS is considering regulating nonprofit Web speech. Public comments are
being sought by the IRS on these proposed new rules for nonprofits.

The Internal Revenue Service has released "Announcement 2000-84"
soliciting public comment on possible new regulations for charities, think
tanks and educational organizations.

Among the questions the IRS is addressing in its review of exempt

organization's speech on their Internet sites is:

"Does providing a hyperlink on a charitable organization's website to

another organization that engages in political campaign intervention result

in per se prohibited political intervention?"

"To what extent are statements made by subscribers to a forum, such as a

listserv or newsgroup, attributable to an exempt organization that

maintains the forum?"

"Does a website constitute a single publication or communication? If not,

how should it be separated into distinct publications or communications?"

House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Texas, has issued a statement

condemning the IRS' consideration of new regulations for the Internet.

"The IRS has no business getting involved in whether a think thank has

links on its website, or how often a charity's site is updated," he said.

"The idea of turning the tax man into a Net cop would have a chilling

effect on free speech on the Internet. I'm glad the agency has not taken

any regulatory action yet. But let's be clear about this. We will be

watching what they do, and we will not tolerate any backdoor attempt to

regulate the Internet."

The public comment period on this issue will close Feb. 13, 2001, according

to the IRS announcement. Comments are to be directed to Judith E. Kindell,

the principal author of the announcement, at the IRS, 1111 Constitution

Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20224.

We hope you find this information of interest. As always, if we can answer
any questions, please contact us.


James V. Lacy
Wewer & Lacy, LLP

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