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Subject:AEI News Release - What Happens When a Presidential Election Is Too
Date:Thu, 9 Nov 2000 09:33:00 -0800 (PST)

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Media Inquiries: V*ronique Rodman 202.862.4871
Orders: 800.937.5557

FOR RELEASE: November 9, 2000

What Happens When a Presidential Election Is Too Close to Call?
AEI's Definitive Guide to the Electoral College Explains It All

The ballots are cast and we still don't know who our next president will be=
What happens next? The answer to this question and more is in the definitiv=
guide to the electoral college published by the American Enterprise=20
Institute. After the People Vote: A Guide to the Electoral College edited b=
Walter Berns (115 pages, $7.95) explains the critical workings of the=20
electoral college, the process of presidential succession, and the=20
interactions of the Constitution with federal and state statutes and party=
and parliamentary rules.

In addition to the distinguished scholar Walter Berns, contributors to this=
edition include Norman Ornstein (essays on disputed elections), Martin=20
Diamond (on the electoral college), Robert Goldwin, Michael Malbin, Thomas=
Mann, Howard Penniman, Austin Ranney, and Richard M. Scammon.

To arrange an interview with Walter Berns, Norman Ornstein, or Robert=20
Goldwin, please contact Veronique Rodman, AEI Director of Public Affairs, a=

"The authors have produced the definitive electoral college."
=02=05Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr., Former chairman, Republican National Commi=

"The United States has the world's most successful system for selecting a=
chief executive. But Americans are remarkably, and dangerously, unaware of=
how the electoral college came to be what it is. Hence we have long needed =
explanation of the college--its origins and evolution--as subtle and=20
intelligent as the college itself. That need has now been met by the book=
which combines equal mastery of constitutional law and political philosophy=
=02=05George F. Will, Columnist

"The best single source for information on the intricacies of choosing an=
American President."

See a C-Span video of an AEI panel discussion about the electoral college a=

Order the book at: