Enron Mail |
The Chronicle is developing a front page story based on a Garnett Coleman
idea to change state law to allow Sports Authority tax funds to go to fund public hospitals. ? It is my judgement that this story and the spin afterwards could easily shave 10 points off our yes #'s and make this a horserace again. ? It is even worse than the stealth tax increase in '96 because it cuts to the heart of voters' objections to the funding of sports facilities. And it takes away our reponse that this money cannot legally ever be used to fund hospitals or education. This was the basis of their successful attack in '99---only this time we don't have any real response. ? The Chronicle has delayed this story for one day. ? I won't waste your time reviewing the various things we have done to spin this better. We have done many things. But it is like putting bandaids on a gaping chest wound. ? Could you call Jack Loftis or Sweeney at the Chronicle? We need to downplay it or kill it. I have more info if you want to talk---713-851-2576.